What if you were having a heart attack,
but no one believed you A new study of 515 female heart-attack survivors (aged
29 to 97) reveals that this happens all too often. In the study, 95% said they knew something was seriously wrong a month or more before their heart attack, but none of their doctors had even told them that they had heart disease. And when their heart attack happened, fewer than 30% had chest pain or discomfort, the classic warning signs that most emergency room physicians and nurses look for. One study volunteer in her mid-30s had a heart attack while driving her children to school. "She had repeatedly sought help for early warning symptoms," says study author Jean McSweeney of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Despite abnormal cardiac stress test results, she got no treatment. Two weeks lat A. he is certain the disease is to come around B. women should tell doctors of their feelings C. doctors should be certain about their patients D. the study is surely valuable for women [判断题]《高速铁路有砟轨道线路维修规则》规定,弹条V型扣件系统当需要在桥上降低线路阻力时,采用X3型弹条并配用复合垫板。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于RSA加密算法错误的是( )。
A. 安全性高 B. 公开密钥 C. 速度快 D. 使用方便 [单项选择]毛发中不含毛髓质的是()。
A. 胡须 B. 毳毛 C. 睫毛 D. 修过的眉毛 [单项选择]According to the passage, when people do not understand each other's language, they can talk with the help of ______.
A. a waiter B. a teacher C. an Englishman D. the gesture [单选题]在智能变电站运行阶段网络报文记录及分析装置的作用,下面说法错误的是( )。
A.实时监听SV和GOOSE信号各通道的值及相应状态 B.实时分析SV和GOOSE信号的通信报文,并对异常报文产生告警 C.实时监视交换机运行状态并进行交换机配置 D.在虚回路、虚端子可视化的界面上实时监听回路的通讯状态与虚端子的实时值 [单项选择]下壁心梗心电图改变出现在( )
A. V1、V2 B. V7、V8、V9 C. V3、V4 D. I、aVL E. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF [单选题]直流接触器主要用于()
A.控制直流用电设备 B.电机正反转 C.电气主保护 D.控制交流用电设备 [单选题] 在办理机动车登记及相关业务过程中,不需要启动嫌疑车辆调查程序的情形是_______。
A.车辆识别代号或者发动机号码与被盗抢机动车信息库的同类型、同品牌机动车的记录完全相同,或者数字完全相同,或者有被盗抢记录的 B.车辆识别代号、发动机号码与合格证、进口凭证、行驶证、登记证书或者机动车档案记载不一致的 C.申请登记前发生交通事故,且车辆识别代号、发动机号不因交通事故维修过程中导致出现挖补、焊接或擅自另外打刻等情形的(??) D.与进口机动车核查系统比对,信息重复核对的 [单选题]PCM复帧结构中,一个时隙包含( )比特。
A.10 B.8 C.16 D.4. [单项选择]家庭对个体影响的重要途径是通过( )。
A. 兄弟姐妹影响 B. 家庭教养模式 C. 亲子交流过程 D. 父母榜样示范 [单选题]总公司《动车组列车服务质量规范》中规定 商品柜、冰箱、吧台、橱柜不随意放置<___>[乘务员随乘携带的餐食等定位存放]。餐食、商品在餐车储藏柜、冰箱内定位放置,不占用旅客使用空间。( )
A.商品 B.私人物品 C.冷链 D.饮品 [单项选择]聚乙二醇4000在固体分散体中的主要作用是()
A. 黏合剂 B. 增塑剂 C. 载体材料 D. 固化剂 E. 胶凝剂 [判断题]( )曲轴臂距差反映了曲轴的弹性弯曲状况,同时也反映了永久变形状况。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交