Advertising is a form of selling. For
thousands of years there have been individuals who have tried to (56)
others to buy the food they have produced or the goods they have made
or the services they can (57) . But in the 19th century the mass production of goods (58) the Industrial Revolution made person-to-person selling inefficient. The mass distribution of goods that (59) the development of the railway and highway made person-to-person selling too slow and expensive. At the same time, mass communication, first newspapers and magazines, then radio and television, made mass selling through (60) possible. The objective of any advertisement is to convince people that it is in their best (61) to take the action the advertiser is recommending. The action (62) be to purchase a product, us A. While B. Therefore C. But D. If [多选题]班组安全教育的内容可以包括( )
A.安全法规政策 B.安全技术知识 C.安全事故教训 D.安全事故案例 [判断题] 工作许可人、工作负责人对有触电危险、检修(施工)复杂容易发生事故的工作,应增设专责监护人,并确定其监护的人员和工作范围。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池组符合下列( )条件之一时,应整组更换。(
A.阀控式密封铅酸蓄电池组实存容量低于80%标称容量 B.多块单体电池出现跑酸漏液、外壳膨胀等质量强度下降情况,通过单体电池更换不能恢复整组电池质量强度时。 C.电池槽、盖的结合部渗漏电解液 D.电池槽、盖发生破裂 [单选题]配电第一、二种工作票( )。
A.A-只能延期一次 B.B-只能延期两次 C.C-只能延期三次 D.D-不能延期 [单选题]8企业在年度中间终止经营活动的,应当自实际经营终止之日起(.)日内,向税务机关办理当期企业所得税汇算清缴。
A.15日 B.30日 C.60日 D.90日 [判断题]巡视作业时如错过观察点,直升机应向线路外侧转弯,重新进入,严禁倒飞。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述社会问题防治的意义。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交