The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in
the world. It is also, perhaps, the gentlest, but not {{U}} (41)
{{/U}}. Elephants {{U}} (42) {{/U}} for a long time--fifty or sixty years. They never forget great sadness or great happiness. A female elephant dies, her daughters and her granddaughters are {{U}} (43) {{/U}} for many months. Elephants live in families--families of females (母系家族). There will be a few young males--" baby boy". But they will soon {{U}} (44) {{/U}} their families when they grow up. An elephant family {{U}} (45) {{/U}} only its daughters, mothers and grandmothers. The females stay together all their {{U}} (46) {{/U}}. The older ones {{U}} (47) {{/U}} the younger ones. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example. And {{U}} (48) {{/ [单选题]()井下发生火灾、爆炸、煤与瓦斯突出等事故时,供人员佩带免于中毒或窒息之用。
A.口罩 B.毛巾 C.自救器 D.衣服 [多选题]轨道作业车运行、调车作业中司机须严格执行()作业标准,规范操纵轨道作业车。
A.一次出乘 B.呼唤应答 C.高声呼唤 D.车机联控 [单项选择] Mathematics Education of Japan
Generally speaking, people emphasize that elementary school children should be taught just basic mathematic fundamentals and knowledge, such as basic calculation or understanding the names and the properties of simple diagrams. In such lessons, teachers teach mathematics lessons in a way that children do not think deeply about mathematical maters, that is, children just learn the procedures of calculation, the properties of diagrams, etc. I am sure that children should learn basic and fundamental skills and knowledge, however, such lessons do not promote interest and appreciation of mathematical learning. I think that children do need to think for themselves and act for themselves through mathematics lessons in addition to mathematic fundamentals.
Then, how can we foster children’’s abilities to think and express themselves mathematically I will present my fundamental ideas and an actual record of lessons.
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A. Y B. N C. NG [判断题]大、中型幼儿园应设置自动灭火系统,并宜采用自动喷水灭火系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当洪水漫到路肩时,列车应按有关规定限速运行。
A.负载 B.压力 C.应力 [填空题]
The roles for writing an abstract(摘要)are almost the same to those for writing the summary of an investigation report. In an abstract you ( 1 ) make an outline of the problem and the purpose of your investigation, (2)mention very briefly how you conducted the investigation or tests, (3) describe your main findings ,and (4)make the conclusions. These must be done in as few words as possible; ideally, your abstract will be about 125words long and never more than 250 words. [单项选择]汽水混合物上升到锅筒中,经()分离后,水再进入下降管。
A. 除尘器 B. 汽水分离器 C. 省煤器 D. 水冷壁进口集箱 [判断题]县级以上各级人民政府应当组织负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门依法编制安全生产权力和责任清单,公开并接受社会监督。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当构件受拉时,纵向缺陷的危害最大。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车冒进信号或越过警冲标,构成()事故。
A.一般A类 B.一般B类 C.一般C类 D.一般D类 [判断题] 埋弧焊时,为了调整焊接机头与工件的相对位置,使接缝处于最佳的施焊位置或为达到预期的工艺目的,一般都需有相应的辅助设备与焊机相配合。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]L2水平处输尿管上段有1.2cm大小的结石,结石远端无梗阻,首选哪种治疗
A.开放手术或腹腔镜下手术取石 B.体外震波碎石 C.输尿管镜下碎石 D.经皮肾镜下碎石 E.以上方法都可以 [单项选择]唐纳(Down’s)综合征筛查,哪项不正确
A. 年龄≥35岁的孕妇需要筛查 B. 无论是否生过Down’s综合征患儿的孕妇都要筛查 C. 有畸形儿家族史的孕妇要筛查 D. 主要是用羊水细胞核型分析做筛查 E. 也可用绒毛细胞核型分析做筛查 [单选题]当打印机上的“PAPER ALARM”灯亮时,表示( )
the "PAPER ALARM" on the printer lights means:
A. 打印机卡纸 printer paper jammed B. 打印机纸量不够 printer paper runs out C.打印机故障 printer failed [单选题]根据《党政机关公文处理工作条例》,下列说法正确的一项是()。
A.涉密公文根据涉密程度分别标注“绝密”“机密”或“秘密”即可 B.发文字号由发文机关代字、年月日期和发文顺序号组成 C.请示不限于一文一事,不得在报告等非请示性公文中夹带请示事项 D.公告适用于向国内外宣布重要事项或者法定事项 [名词解释]本味论
[判断题]( )民事法律关系是主体之间的涉及劳动权利义务关系。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CR400AF动车组失稳主机通信故障的代码为()。
A.620A B.620E C.620D D.620G [填空题]混凝土枕无缝线路维修作业中规定,曲线半径为800m≤R<2000m的地段,连续扒开道床不超过____m时,作业轨温为-20℃~+15℃。
[单选题](0分) 关于短效口服避孕药的避孕原理,正确的是:
A. 加速孕卵在输卵管内的运行速度,使与子宫内膜的发育不同步 B. 雌激素使宫颈黏液量多,黏稠度增加,不利于精子穿透 C. 子宫内膜受药物中孕激素作用,增殖被抑制,腺体发育不良 D. 孕激素量少,使子宫内膜腺体发育不良 E. 影响丘脑下部的GnRH,促进FSH和LH的分泌 [单项选择]估计胎儿体重<3000g,具备下列哪项条件方可试产:
A. 头位,骶耻外径17cm,入口前后径9.5cm B. 头位,骶耻外径15cm,入口前后径8cm C. 坐骨棘间径9cm,坐骨切迹<2横指 D. 坐骨结节间径与后矢状径之和<15cm E. 均小骨盆,估计胎儿体重3500g [单选题]TEDS作业组长负责()、故障确认及报告等工作。
A.一级修作业 B.专项作业 C.检修作业 D.作业派工 [单项选择]2009年4月1日,两个国家加入北约并正式成为北约成员国,由此该组织成员总数升至 28个。这两个国家是
A. 阿尔巴尼亚、克罗地亚 B. 乌克兰、格鲁吉亚 C. 克罗地亚、土耳其 D. 罗马尼亚、保加利亚 我来回答: 提交