Robert J. Oppenheimer was a
famous American physicist, who directed the (1) of the first
atomic bombs. Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904, and was educated at Harvard University and the universities of Cambridge. After (2) the International Education Board from 1928 to 1929, he became a professor of physics at the University of California and the California Institute of Technology, where he built up large (3) of theoretical physics. He was noted for his contributions (4) to the theory of relativity, cosmic rays, and neutron stars. From 1943 to 1945 , Oppenheimer served as director of the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos, New Mexico. His leadership and organizational skills (5) him the Presidential Medal of Merit in 1946. In 1947 he became director of the Institute for Advanced St A. scholars B. crew C. groups D. schools [单项选择]以下关于伦理委员会的说法不正确的是()。
A. 伦理委员会的组成和活动不受临床试验组织和实施者的干扰和影响 B. 至少由5人组成,包括医学专业和非医学专业人员 C. 组成成员为专职人员 D. 有权审查试验方案的任何修改 E. 临床试验只有在接到伦理委员会的书面同意后才能开始进行 [单选题](27648)碳素结构钢碳的质量分数为( )。(1.0分)
A.>0.7% B.<0.7% C.>1% D.<0.5% [简答题]二子散功效与作用
A. GIF B. EPS C. BMP D. TIFF [多项选择]我国的安全生产工作,强化和落实生产经营单位的主体责任建立生产()和社会监督的机制。
A. 经营单位负责 B. 职工参与 C. 政府监管 D. 行业自律 [判断题]指通过车站广播系统告知乘客客运服务信息的方式。其中,车站广播内容主要包括日常广播、客流组织广播、车站设备故障广播、非正常运营广播、温馨用语、服务终止、紧急广播、末班车广播等;特殊情况下增加扩音喇叭、腰挂式扩音器的使用,主要对乘客进行提示与引导。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]各类作业平台、卸料平台架体应保持稳固,不得与施工脚手架连接。作业平台上严禁超载。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]行车中遇有人在赶牲畜时,应当( )。
A.适当降低车速,保持较大的安全间距 B.迅速绕过 C.鸣喇叭示意其让道 D.紧随其后行驶 [简答题]什么是易切削结构钢?其性能及用途是什么?
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