Sometimes something looks different
from another thing but it is usually the same. Sometimes something looks the
same s another thing but it is really different. Sometimes we can not believe our eyes. Here is an example. If we are standing in front of an entrance of a tunnel, we can see the other end where we go out. We feel the entrance much bigger than the other end. If we go through the tunnel, we find that the ends are the same size. One is not bigger than the other. They are the same. Now let’s turn around and look through the tunnel from the other end. Now we find that the end near us looks bigger. The other end looks smaller. But we know that they are the same size. Things that are near us seem big. Things that are far away from us see [简答题]有一艘80GT的货船,船员2人,是典型的夫妻船。两人都有手机,海事人员检查时发现没有其他通讯工具,要求其配置可携式甚高频无线电话。船东说我有手机作通讯工具,海事人员属故意刁难,告了海事人员一状。你认为谁有理?为什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]诸葛亮北伐的直接目的是( )。
A. 讨伐曹魏,兴复汉室 B. 以攻为守,争取主动 C. 夺回荆州 D. 平定南中 [单选题]现场()不到位、安全工器具不合格的不干
A.防范措施布置 B.危险点布置 C.工作任务布置 D.安全措施布置 E.略 F.略 [填空题]{{B}}Section C{{/B}}
Directions: You are going to read an article. Seven sentences have been removed from it. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each group. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet. Memories of a Man I Won’t
Forget! I wish you’d meet my Uncle Bill. He was a tall man—so tall that he could change the bulbs in light sockets while hardly reaching above his head. He said that he wasn’t supposed to reach up—it was something to do with a heart condition—and that being tall made life much easier. {{U}} (64) {{/U}} Those accessible bulbs were an easy target for that lofty, blundering head of his. I realized from the start that his problem was not so much tallness as clumsiness. He blundered into anything and everything and often had injuries (though not in fact burns) to [单项选择]2007年,我国的汽车出口同比增长()。
A. 11.25% B. 56.45% C. 67.7% D. 78.95% [简答题]并行接口8255有几个数据端口?若端口地址为300H-303H,对应的端口是哪个?
[单选题]某焦化厂2009年发生生产安全事故2起、造成2人轻伤。该厂因精苯工业废水兑水稀释后外排,被环保部门责令整改。该厂采取的措施是将废水向煤场内煤堆喷洒,这样既抑制了扬尘,又避免了废水外排。为防止相关事故发生,该厂于2009年5月20日制订实施了《a焦化厂精苯污水喷洒防尘管理办法》。根据上述事实,该厂工人在接触煤尘后可能导致的职业病是( )。 ( )
A.职业性皮炎 B.尘肺 C.职业性眼病 [单项选择]登革热患者出皮疹的特点是
A. 于病程的第1~2天出疹 B. 于病程的第3~6天出疹 C. 只见斑丘疹 D. 四肢先出疹 E. 常见荨麻疹 [单选题]TSG22型受电弓静态可调节范围是( )。
A.80N~100N B.90~130N C.70~140N D.120N~150N
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]某导体带有0.025C的电量,对地电压为250V,该导体的对地电容为(____)μF。
A.25 B.100 C.250 D.0.025 [多项选择]医德的非强制性维系力量主要包括:()
A. 社会舆论 B. 传统习俗 C. 卫生法规 D. 行政规章 [判断题]个人外币现钞存入业务,当日累计等值5000美元以下(不含)的,可以在银行直接办理
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )、专责监护人应始终在工作现场,对工作班人员的安全认真监护,及时纠正不安全的行为。
A. 工作负责人 B. 工作许可人 C. 工作票签发人 D. 安监人员 [单选题]【单选题】放全襟翼下降,无人机能以( )
A.较大的下降角,较小的速度下降 B.较小的下降角,较大的速度下降 C.较大的下降角,较大的速度下降 [单选题]( )对事故隐患或者安全生产违法行为,均有权向负有安全生产监督管理职责的 部门报告或者举报。
A.单位领导和群众 B.安全管理人员和技术人员 C.任何单位或者个人 [单项选择]侧向分辨力取决于()
A. 多普勒频移 B. 声束聚焦技术 C. 降低探头频率 D. 不能在远场测量 E. 脉冲波的波长 [单项选择]女性,56岁,结节性甲状腺肿伴甲亢,首选何种治疗()
A. 硫脲类制剂 B. 碘制剂 C. 普萘洛尔 D. 131I E. 手术 [单项选择]男,30岁,空腹疼3年,近日排柏油样黑便,查:血压98/68mmHg,肝脾未触及。治疗应首先()。
A. 快速输血 B. 快速补液 C. 三腔管气囊压迫止血 D. 内镜下止血 E. 口服去甲肾上腺素 [单选题]某井队下钻作业,游动滑车起升到二层台时,井架工使用钩子将钻杆立柱拉出指梁推进吊卡后,钩子滑落到钻台上,险些砸到钻台施工人员,此次未遂事件的直接原因是( )。
A.井架工未拴牢钩子保险绳; B.游动滑车起升速度过快; C.安全检查不及时; D.安全意识淡薄。 [单选题]在实践中已使用过了的没有专门的法律保护的具有秘密性质的技术知识、经验和技巧称为( )。
A.专有技术 B.工业产权 C.专利 D.商业产权 [单项选择]牙嵌式快开盲板泄露的原因之一是()。
A. 压圈不转动 B. 头盖不灵活 C. 密封圈损坏 D. 支架变形 [填空题]Today, I’ll be talking about the invention of the camera and photography. The camera is often thought to be a modem invention. But as early as 1727, a German physicist{{U}} (36) {{/U}}that light darkened silver salt, a chemical{{U}} (37) {{/U}}. Using as a cameras a big box with a small hole to let the light in, he made{{U}} (38) {{/U}}images on the salt. Silver salt is still the base of film today. Then a French scientist made the first{{U}} (39) {{/U}} picture by using a special piece of metal{{U}} (40) {{/U}}with silver salt.
A photography he made in 1826 still exists. The painter Dagera {{U}} (41) {{/U}}on the process by placing common salt, the kind we eat, on the metal This was in 1839, the{{U}} (42) {{/U}}date of the beginning of photography. But the problem was the{{U}} (43) {{/U}}of the photographs, And{{U}} (44) {{/U}} In 1860’s, Matthew Brady was able to take his famous pictures of the American Civil War, thus making portrait poses very popular. In the 2
A.U型环 B.专用连接网套 C.绳扣 D.卡线器 E.略 F.略 [单选题]将一根导线均匀拉长为原长的2倍,则它的阻值为原阻值的( )倍。
A.1 B.2 C.4 [简答题]加快资本周转速度对剩余价值生产有什么影响?
A. "你做过哪些努力让服务对象与你合作?" B. "是啊,很多服务对象是很难合作的。" C. "你应该先取得服务对象家人的支持。" D. "遇到这种问题真的很恼火。" [多选题] 当脚手架作业层( ),且其上尚无连墙件时,应采取适当的临时撑拉措施。
A. 高出其下连墙件2步 B. 高出其下连墙件3步 C. 高出其下连墙件3m以上 D. 高出其下连墙件4m以上 [多项选择]在风险识别过程中应遵循( )原则。
A. 由粗到细 B. 严格界定风险内涵及风险因素的相关性 C. 先怀疑,后排除,排除与确认并重 D. 先建立工程风险清单 E. 着重研究风险因素、风险事件、损失与风险之间的关系 [单选题] 过敏性休克时出现面色苍白,发绀、血压下降等症状的原因是 ( )
A. 支气管平滑肌痉挛 B. 脑组织缺氧 C. 腺体分泌增加 D. 有效循环血量减少 E. 血管神经性水肿 [单选题]1980年2月,中共十一届五中全会决定予以彻底平反并恢复名誉的党和国家领导人是( )。
A.彭德怀 B.邓小平 C.薄一波 D.刘少奇 [单选题]设备解体检修前,应对SF6气体进行检验。打开设备封盖后,现场所有人员应暂离现场()。
A.10min B.15min C.20min D.30min [多项选择]实现政府职能转变要做到()。
A. 政府和市场职能分开 B. 政府和企业职能分开 C. 政府和事业单位职能分开 D. 政府和社会职能分开 [单项选择]属于设备检修时,必须做到()。
A. 处理输送带跑偏时,应停机调整上、下托辊的前后位置或调整中间架的悬挂位置,严禁用手脚直接拽蹬运行中的输送带 B. 输送带接头可靠并符合要求。无撕裂、扯边现象 C. 相关设备的塔接关系应合适,附属设备应齐全完好 [单项选择]软件调试的目的是______。
A. 发现错误 B. 更正错误 C. 改善软件性能 D. 验证软件的正确性 我来回答: 提交