Summerhill began as an experimental school, It is no longer such; it is now a demonstration school, for it demonstrates that freedom works. When my first wife and I began the school, we had one main idea: to make the school fit the child-instead of making the child fit the school. I had this idea because I had taught in ordinary schools for many years. I knew the other way well. I knew it was all wrong. It was wrong because it was based on an adult conception of what a child should be and of how a child should learn. The other way dated from the days when psychology was still and unknown science. Well, we set out to make a school in which we should allow children freedom to be themselves. In order to do this, we had to renounce all discipline, all direction, all suggestion, all moral training, all religious instruction. We have been ca A. a discipline-centered school. B. an instruction-centered school. C. a teacher-centered school. D. a students-centered school. [单项选择]在弃船的最后,船长应通知坚守岗位的()撤离,在确信全船无任何人员后方可离船。①无线电操作员;②机舱值班人员;③轮机长
A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②③ [单项选择] Problems that Manufacturers Face
Manufacturers who wish to export their goods to other countries 【51】 many practical problems.
Firstly, there is the question of evaluating the market, and 【52】 where the product 【53】 well. This 【54】 examining rival products to see 【55】 these already fill the demand or not, and considering if the proposed selling price will be competitive. 【56】 is to find someone in the chosen market 【57】 will buy the product. The buyer could be a wholesaler, who will 【58】 sell the product to shops and stores, or someone with a retail outlet of 【59】 own. Finally, there’’s 【60】 whole question of arranging the details of the deal, such as finance, transportation, storage. 【61】 a manufacturer knows the export market very well indeed, the best answer to all these problems is undoubtedly to find a good agent, who can make the whole project viable. An agent will provide information, introductions and contacts, and in return, he or she will get
A. will be sold B. is sold C. will sell D. sell [填空题]项目管理以( )为中心,( ),形成目标责任管理( ),项目全员缴纳风险抵押金,全员参与各负其责的成本管理体系,坚持谁管理、谁负责,效益共享、风险共担、公平公正原则。
[单选题]下列哪项不是气相色谱仪所包括的部件( )。
A.原子化系统 B.进样系统 C.检测系统 D.分离系统 [名词解释](司空图的)“四外”说
[单选题] 计算机系统的组成包括( )。
A. 硬件系统和软件系统 B. 主机和外部设备 C. 硬件系统和应用软件 D. 外部设备和软件系统 [单选题]某县( )拟对一家违反《安全生产法》(2021年修订)的企业实施停止供电的强制措施,除有危及生产安全的紧急情形外,应当提前24小时通知该企业。
A.公安消防部门 B.安全监督管理部门 C.环境保护主管部门 D.工商管理部门 [判断题]专责监护人临时离开工作现场时,应通知工作负责人停止工作,待专责监护人回来后方可恢复工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]真空冻干技术能够保存菌毒种,其主要原理是通过什么手段保持不损伤菌体()
A. 缓慢冷冻缓慢干燥 B. 迅速冷冻后干燥 C. 缓慢冷冻迅速干燥 D. 只要冷冻后干燥即可 E. 不经冷冻而干燥 [判断题]救援列车停留线,原则上应设在两端接通、便于救援列车出动的段管线(站线)上。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]正线上的出站信号机未开放时,进站信号机的通过信号不允许开放。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用吊车撤杆时,应先检查有无卡盘或障碍物并试拔。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在中国境内设立机构、场所的非居民企业取得的下列所得, 实际适用10%的企业所得税税率的是( )。
A.与境内机构.场所有实际联系的境内所得 B.与境内机构.场所有实际联系的境外所得 C.与境内机构.场所没有实际联系的境内所得 D.与境内机构.场所没有实际联系的境外所得 [单项选择]Many people think that English soccer star David Beckham is( )a pop star( )a player.
A. mainly; than B. either; or C. very much; not D. more of; than [单选题]断路器(开关)与隔离开关(刀闸)无机械或电气闭锁装置时,在拉开隔离开关(刀闸)前应()。
A.确认断路器(开关)操作电源已完全断开 B.确认断路器(开关)已完全断开 C.确认断路器(开关)机械指示正常 D.确认无负荷电流 [不定项选择题]女,25岁,孕15周,血压150/90mmHg,尿蛋白(+++)伴颗粒管型,全身水肿,BUN5.3mmol/L,10岁曾患急性肾炎,治疗后痊愈。现急诊入院。
进一步的处理是( )
A.利尿 B.继续妊娠 C.治疗高血压 D.治疗肾炎 E.积极治疗后终止妊娠 [单项选择]下列哪些场所不属于法定公共场所()
A. 理发店 B. 游泳场 C. 游艺厅 D. 教室 E. 候诊室 [多选题]资产评估机构及其评估专业人员利用的专业报告通常包括( )。
A.公开发表的相关专业报告 B.已经审计的财务报表及其附注 C.已经正式出具的相关专业报告 D.相关会计凭证 E.专门聘请专业机构完成的相应专业报告 [单项选择]经动脉栓塞最严重的并发症是()
A. 误栓致器官梗死 B. 疼痛 C. 感染 D. 栓塞后缺血 E. 其他 [多项选择]由模具类原因直接引起的缺陷有():
A. 颈缩、拉伤、凹凸点 B. 起皱、切边毛刺、划伤 C. 冲孔毛刺、滑移线、打磨印 D. 缺边、零件回弹、凹凸面 E. 开裂、波痕面、叠料 F. 圆角缺陷、包边线扭曲、冲孔变形 [判断题]2.96 一只手掌缺失,另一只手拇指健全,其他手指有两指健全,上肢和手指运动功能正常,双下肢健全且运动功能正常,不等长度不得大于5厘米的,可以申请残疾人专用小型自动挡载客汽车准驾车型的机动车驾驶证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发动机怠速运转时,踏下踏板少许,若此时发响,则为()。
A.分离套筒缺油或损坏 B.分离轴承缺油或损坏 C.踏板自由行程过小 D.踏板自由行程过大 [单选题]在绩效改进指导过程中,考评者与被考评者讨论的核心问题是( )
A.切实保证本岗位工作的有效性 B.将工作的实际情况与考评标准逐一对照 C.制订绩效改进计划 D.确定绩效标准 [判断题]( )零售客户通过因特网可在规定时间段进行网上订货,同时在网站上浏览图文并茂的产品介绍,更好地选择进货商品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下属于高耗水,高污染的行业的是()。
A. 造纸 B. 汽车 C. 建筑 D. 运输 [单项选择]Most people do not think of fishes and other sea animals as having voices, and of those who are aware of the fact that many of them can "speak", few understand that these "conversations" have significance. Actually, their talk may be as meaningful as much of our own. For example, some sea animals use their "voices" to locate their food in the ocean expanses (广阔的区域); others use their "voices" to let their fellows know of their locations; and still others, as a means of obtaining mates. Sometimes, "speaking" may even mean the difference between life and death to a sea animal. It appears in some cases that when a predator (食肉动物) approaches, the prey (被捕的动物) depends on no more than the sounds it makes to escape.
Fish sounds are important to man, also. By listening to them, he can learn a great deal about the habits of creatures that make them, the size of the School they form, the patterns of their migrations, and the nature of the environments in which they live. He can also apply th A. their sizes B. the usual pattern of their migrations C. their environments D. their habits [多选题]建筑施工企业应建立健全劳动防护用品( )、更换、报废管理制度。
A.购买 B.验收 C.保管 D.发放 E.使用 [单选题]测量SPVT-252型隔离开关合闸回路电阻,当开关额定电流为3150A时,其阻值应不大于(____)。
A.145μΩ B.100μΩ C.130μΩ D.90μΩ [单项选择]广告运作策略制定的前提是()
A. 竞争分析 B. 产品分析 C. 消费者分析 D. 环境分析 [单选题]机车车辆必须停在()内方。
A.警冲标 B.出站兼调车信号机 C.到发线 D.出站信号机 我来回答: 提交