What is it about Paris For the last two centuries it has been the single most visited city in the world. Tourists still go for the art and the food, even if they have to brave the disdain of ticket-takers and waiters. Revolutionaries on the run, artists in search of the galleries and writers looking for the license to explore their inner selves went looking for people like themselves and created their own fields filled with experimentation and constant arguments. Would worldwide communist revolution have been conceivable without the Paris that was home to Marx, Lenin and Ho Chi Minh Would Impressionism or Cubism have become "isms" without Paris as a place to work and as a subject to paint How Paris came to be, for such a long time, "capital of the world"
The answer lies in the city’s "myths" according to the distinguished Harvard historian Patrice Higonnet in "Paris: Capital of the World. " In his book, Paris came to stand for
A. 1925
B. 1935
C. 1945
D. 1955
An Awful Afternoon Sometimes I feel that being the mother of three small children is like running a large circus(马戏团). One afternoon last week, my three sons were playing peacefully in the backyard, throwing the ball from one to the other. I jumped at the chance to talk to one of my friends on the phone, but before I got to the phone, I could tell that the boys had begun to quarrel with each other over something. I rushed out to make peace, but before I got there, Charles had begun to fight over this. Even David, the oldest boy, who won’t usually fight with anybody over anything, was involved. First, I made them stop fighting, and then I examined Mark’s eye. I decided that it wasn’t going to develop into a black eye, but I felt that they should suffer at least a li [多选题] 中队(站)的基本队形,分为( )。
A.横队 B.纵队 C.并列纵队 D.并列横队 [判断题]根据《电动汽车充换电设施运维安全管理设施细则》》要求,在岗生产人员因故间断电气工作连续6个月以上者,应重新学习并经考试合格后,方可再上岗工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CTC不能自动触发进路,应采取人工触发进路或人工排列进路方式办理,并通知电务部门进行处理,在《行车设备检查登记簿》内登记。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]实战演练前要指定有经验的人员负责灾害事故场景的模拟与恢复,现场设置情况应通告演练目标单位和( )。
A. 现场指挥员 B. 参加演练的人员 C. 演练总指挥 D. 演练单位负责人 [判断题]井下发生爆炸事故时,现场人员应及时佩戴自救器沿避灾路线尽快撤离现场进入安全地点。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]指挥术语中音响信号断续短声“●O●O●O●”表示的是()
A. 上升; B. 下降; C. 微动; D. 紧急停止 [单项选择]协同进化:一个物种的某一特性由于回应另一物种的某一特性而进化,而后者的该特性也同样由于回应前者的特性而进化。
根据上述定义,下列属于协同进化的是( )。 A. 虫媒植物的花朵与昆虫(如蜜蜂)的进化 B. 孢子植物与细菌的进化 C. 人类与猩猩的进化 D. 金钱豹与斑马的进化 [单选题] 有毒有害物质沾染皮肤时,应立即去除衣物,用大量的水进行冲洗( )分钟。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.30 我来回答: 提交