This kind of complex meaning expressed
in written language soon becomes a fish out of water. The complexity of spoken
language is more like that of a dance; it is not static and dense but mobile and
intricate. Much more meaning is expressed by grammar than by vocabulary. As a
consequence, the sentence structure is highly complex, reaching degrees of
complexity that are rarely attained in writing. Writing, as recognized by most people, is genuinely formal and readily tangible, but speaking language has merits of its own. It is usually more economic in human face-to-face communication, and it allows the omission of many contextual or commonsensical information. This permits the oral language to be more simplistic and flexible than written language. What is difficult or even impossible to achieve in written language can somet A. writing tells more than speaking B. writing often looks silly when read out C. all folk beliefs are fight D. speaking is not trustable [判断题]6米拉梯只能用于登高。( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]起重设备作业人员在作业中应严格执行起重设备的操作规程和有关安全规章制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
将检修设备停电,必须把各方面的电源完全断开(任何运用中的星形接线设备的中性点必须视为带电设备)。禁止在只经断路器(开关)断开电源的设备上工作。必须拉开隔离开关(刀闸),使各方面()断开点。与停电设备有关的变压器和电压互感器,必须从高压、低压两侧断开,防止向停电检修设备反送电。 A.必须有两个 B.至少有一个明显的 C.均有 D.至少有两个 [判断题]今年5月,晋能控股集团主动调整规划,将“十四五”期末煤炭产量目标由5亿吨调整为6亿吨,将进一步培育先进产能。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题][T]规定了量油尺技术条件的国家标准和规程是什么?
[单项选择](66) is a method of constructing a project schedule network diagram that uses boxes or rectangles, referred to as nodes, to represent activities and connects them with arrows that show the dependencies.
This method includes following types of dependencies or precedence relationships: (67) , the initiation of the successor activity, depends upon the completion of the predecessor activity.(68) , the initiation of the successor activity, depends upon the initiation of the predecessor activity.
A. PDM B. CPM C. PERT D. AOA 我来回答: 提交