Questions 51- 55 are based on
tile following passage. In response to his rough summons, I had entered the room and shut the door quietly behind me. There was a pause of complete stillness in which the buzzing of the bees among the pink roses sounded as loud as a flight of aircraft. I said, "Grandfather " on a note of painful hesitation. His voice was harsh when he spoke, and the words uncompromising, but I had seen him wet his lips and make the attempt twice, "Well, Annabel " I went quickly across the ro A. she wanted to show her respect for her grandfather B. it was convenient for the girl to speak by kneeling down C. she hoped her grandfather would forgive her kneeling down D. it was the habit in her country to speak to elders kneeling down [单项选择]按照风险收益对等原则,在政府和社会资本间合理分配项目风险,属于PPP模式遵循的()原则。
A. 合理设计,构建有效的风险分担机制 B. 因地制宜,建立合理的投资回报机制 C. 诚信守约,保证合作双方的合法权益 D. 完善机制,营造公开透明的政策环境 [单项选择]汽油车的排污应在()工况下测定。
A. 怠速 B. 中速 C. 急加速 D. 高速 [单选题]正常分娩机制中俯屈是胎头遇到阻力以枕额径转为
A.双顶径 B.枕颏径 C.枕下前囟径 D.双肩径 E.双颞径 [单项选择]Remember to ask for a()of quality for the consumer goods; otherwise they will not of- fer any maintenance.
A. certificate B. mark C. warranty D. receipt [单选题]消防救援机构在进行火灾直接经济损失统计时,不包括( )。
A.直接财产损失 B.人员伤亡后所支出的费用 C.善后处理费用 D.受伤人员误工费 [单选题]灌注混凝土前对岩石地基要用水清洗,但表面不允许( )。
A.留有灰尘 B.留有积水 C.留有石屑 [单选题] 根据《证券法》,下列关于公司公开发行公司债券条件的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 公司净资产不低于人民币三千万元 B. 累计债券余额不超过公司净资产的百分之四十 C. 最近三年平均可分配利润足以支付公司债券一年的利息 D. 公开发行公司债券筹集的资金,可用于弥补亏损和非生产性支出 [单选题]闭磁路点火线圈和开磁路点火线圈相比,其铁芯不是条形而是( )字形。
A.日 B.田 C.Y D.F [单选题]第二十九条 ( )持续工艺确认应当按照( )进行,并根据获得的结果形成相应的报告。必要时,应当使用统计工具进行数据分析,以确认工艺处于受控状态。
A. 批准的工艺规程 B. 制造检定规程 C. 批准的文件 D. 工艺验证 [判断题]超重超限货物装车时,严格按装载加固方案进行装载和加固作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 起重吊装设备的吊钩存在以下哪些情况时应报废( )
A.存在裂纹 B.开口度超过使用前实际尺寸的10% C.扭转变形超过10°时 D.磨损后危险截面的实际高度小于基本尺寸的95% E.新的吊钩被淋暴雨后 [单项选择]Passage Two
Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. Forty or fifty minutes of exercise once a week. B. Twenty or thirty minutes of exercise every day. C. Fifteen or twenty minutes of exercise five days a week. D. Thirty or forty minutes of exercise three or four days a week. [多选题]消防车按结构特征可分为( )。
A.特种类消防车 B.抢险救援消防车 C.罐类消防车 D.举高类消防车 [单项选择]钙拮抗剂()
A. 硝苯地平 B. 卡托普利 C. 哌唑嗪 D. 可乐定 E. 利血平 [单项选择]下列关于职能式管理组织方式特点的叙述中,正确的是______。
A. 上级对下级的管理是直接的 B. 特别适用于公司承担规摸大的任务 C. 关系单一,决策迅速 D. 整个机构内体系复杂,多头负责 [单项选择]可选性曲线是根据()结果绘制出的曲线
A. 浮沉试验结果 B. 煤样灰分测定 C. 挥发测定 D. 固定碳测定 我来回答: 提交