In 1830, only a few miles away from
what is now the great city of Cincinnati, lay an immense and almost unbroken
forest. The whole region was sparsely settled by people of the frontier—restless
souls who no sooner had hewn fairly habitable homes out of the wilderness and
attained to that degree of prosperity which today we should call indigence,
then, impelled by some mysterious impulse of their nature, they abandoned all
and pushed farther westward, to encounter new perils and privations in the
effort to regain the meagre comforts which they had voluntarily renounced. Many
of them had already forsaken that region for the remoter settlements, but among
those remaining was one who had been of those first arriving. He lived alone in
a house of logs surrounded on all sides by the great forest, of whose gloom and A. She was a character with great charm and beauty. B. More imaginary space about her life was left. C. She used to entertain other people in her house. D. She was young, delicate and devoted. [单选题]阿司匹林小剂量有抑制血栓形成
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《合同法》规定,承诺撤回的条件是,撤回承诺的通知应当在( )到达要约人。
A. 要约到达受要约人之前 B. 受要约人发出承诺通知之前 C. 承诺通知到达要约人之前 D. 受要约人发出承诺通知之后 [单选题]某施工企业拟从银行借款500万元,期限为5年,年利率8%,下列还款方式中,施工企业支付本利和最多的还款方式是( )。 2016
A.每年年末偿还当期利息,第5年年末一次还清本金 B.第5年年末一次还本付息 C.每年年末等额本金还款,另付当期利息 D.每年年末等额本息还款 [单选题]如需在绝缘架空地线上作业时,应用接地线或个人保安线将其可靠接地或采用()方式进行。
A.A.等电位 B.B.地电位 C.C.以上都不是 D.掠 E.掠 F.掠 G.掠 [判断题]裂解汽油加氢反应系统的进料对碳五和碳九没有要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]地面扰流板主操作是()
A. 地面扰流板旁通活门 B. 地面扰流板控制活门 C. 减速板手柄 D. 调整操作轮 [单选题]再利用的配电变压器应用于()处。
A.A.负载率较小、无重要用户 B.B.负载率较大、重要用户 C.C.负载率较大、无重要用户 D.D.负载率较小、重要用户 [单选题]重型肺炎与轻型肺炎区别主要在于
A.体温升高超过39°C B.两肺下方有较多的中细湿啰音 C.有循环、消化、神经等系统受累 D.周围血白细胞总数高 E.咳嗽、气促 [多项选择]安全使用会计软件的基本要求有()。
A. 严格管理账套使用权限 B. 严格管理软件版本升级 C. 定期打印备份重要的账簿和报表数据 D. 防范计算机病毒和计算机黑客攻击 [单选题]代号CB表示( )消防泵特征代号
A.工程用消防泵 B.车用消防泵 C.船用消防泵 D.其他用消防泵 我来回答: 提交