In 1959 the average American family paid $989 for a
year’s supply of food.In 1972 the family paid $1,311.That was a price increase
of nearly one third.Every family has had this sort of experience.Everyone agrees
that the cost of feeding a family has risen sharply.But there is less agreement
when reasons for the rise are being discussed.Who is really responsible
Many blame the farmers who produce the vegetables,fruit,meat,eggs,and cheese that are stored for sale.According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture,the farmer’s share of the $1,311 spent by the family in 1972 was $521.This was thirty-one percent more than the farmer had received in 1959.But farmers claim that this increase was very small compared to the increase in their cost of living.Farmers tend to blame others for the sharp rise in food prices.They particularly bl A. Food supply B. Profit earned by farmers,middlemen,and housewives C. Reasons for the food price increase D. Economists’ attitudes [多选题]出纳人员在经办现金收付业务时,应坚持( )、( )、大额进出要复点的原则。
A.:先收款后记账 B.:先记账后收款 C.:先记账后付款 D.:先付款后记账 [判断题]蓄电池室的温度一般要求保持在10-30℃。《应知应会-检规》第50条( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]:列车超速防护系统。
A.ATD B.ATP C.ATK D.ATU [单选题]新文化运动开始于( )年。【单选题】
A.1911 B.1914 C.1915 D.1917 [判断题]在区间内装卸车时,可以按越出站界调车办理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下哪个市场不属于货币市场?()
A.国库券市场 B.股票市场 C.回购市场 D.银行间拆借市场 [判断题]在危险性较大的灾害事故救援现场,险情确实即将发生,在没有接到指挥员撤退命令时,如果危险确实即将发生,可以先行撤退,后向指挥员报告。紧急情况下的撤退,可以放弃车辆和器材。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对需要装配的零、部件配合尺寸、相关精度、配合面、滑动面应进行复查和清洗处理,并应按照标记进行装配,但不一定按照装配顺序。
[多选题]液体能否发生燃烧、燃烧速率的高低与液体的( )
A.蒸气压 B.闪点 C.沸点 D.蒸发速率 [判断题]核能发电就是利用反应堆中原子裂变过程中所产生的热能发电,核能发电与火电厂在构成上的最主要区别是前者用核蒸汽发生系统代替后者的蒸汽锅炉。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于过期妊娠的概念下列说法错误的是
A.羊水过多 B.头盆不称 C.巨大胎儿 D.雌孕激素比例失调 E.胎盘缺乏硫酸酯酶 [判断题]健全法规和标准体系,加强安全生产地方性法规建设,但各设区的市无立法和制定标准的权限。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.22 窄路掉头考试要求车辆行驶至掉头路段靠右停车,不超过_____,将车辆掉头。
A.一进二退 B.二进二退 C.三进二退 D.二进三退 [单选题]正线信号系统提供三个列车控制等级,其中不包括下列哪一项:( )
A.CBTC B.ATS C.iATP D.联锁控制 我来回答: 提交