Since the energy crisis, these big cars have become a real liability. They cost too much to run()
STATEMENT{{/B}} Despite the appearance of a new competitor on the market the company continued to grow and increase its market share throughout 2006. Partly in response to this new threat but. more importantly, as part of a strategy for growth, several key decisions were taken this year. The most significant new developments included a range of vitamin-rich children’s drinks and low calorie diet drinks, which both proved very popular. The company is still best known for its range of refreshing fruit drinks and. not surprisingly, these were our biggest sellers once more. There were two new ad [单项选择]
局麻药的局麻作用机制是() A. 促进Cl-内流,使神经细胞膜产生超极化 B. 阻碍Za+内流,抑制神经细胞膜去极化 C. 阻碍K+外流,使神经细胞膜产生超极化 D. 阻碍Ca2+内流,抑制神经细胞膜去极化 E. 促进K+内流,阻碍神经细胞膜去极化 [单选题]在夹具中,用来确定刀具对工件的相对位置和相对进给方向,以减少加工中位置误差的元件和机构统称( )。
A.A、刀具导向装置 B.B、定心装置 C.C、对刀装置 D.D、夹刀装置 [判断题]在双线地段,单轨小车应在外股钢轨上推行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 快速蒙版创建后,按( )键可以快速将快速蒙版转为选择区域。
A.“Alt” B.“Ctrl” C.“X” D.“Q” [判断题]接地线、接地刀闸与检修设备之间不得连有断路器(开关)或熔断器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The flood of women into the job market boosted economic growth and changed U.S. society in many ways. Many in-home jobs that used to be done (47) ________ by women — ranging from family shopping to preparing meals to doing (48) ________ work — still need to be done by someone. Husbands and children now do some of these jobs, a (49) ________ that has changed the target market for many products. Or a working woman may face a crushing "poverty of time " and look for help elsewhere, creating opportunities for producers of frozen meals, child care centers, dry cleaners, financial services, and the like.
Although there is still a big wage (50) ________ between men and women, the income working women (51) ________ gives them new independence and buying power. For example, women now (52) ________ about half of all cars. Not long ago, many car dealers (53) ________ women shoppers by ignoring them or suggesting that they come back with their husbands. Now car companies have realized that wo
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]循环神经网络可以捕捉序列化数据中的动态信息。
A.TRUE B.FALSE [单选题]30、下级对上级,可以称首长或者 ( ) 。
A.同志 B.首长加同志 C.姓名加同志 D.姓加同志 [单选题]JT-C型机车信号主机的I-SZ航插19芯第( )线为-12V电源线。
A.7# B.8# C.9# D.10# [判断题]测量电源电流时是将电流表串联在电路中。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]可以俯视航空器活动区的陆侧区域,应设置( )和( ),防止未经授权人员进入或者向空侧投掷物品。
A.A.警示标示 B.B.物理隔离设施 C.C.视频监控系统 D.D.警戒人员 [单项选择]患者,女,32岁。喘促,气逆2天。胸闷咳嗽,咳痰色白清稀,口不渴,恶寒发热,头痛无汗,舌苔薄白,脉浮紧。治疗应首选
A. 麻黄汤 B. 麻杏石甘汤 C. 定喘汤 D. 杏苏散 E. 苏子降气汤 [单选题] 施工单位的安全生产费用不应该用于( )
A. 购买施工安全防护用具 B. 安全设施的更新 C. 安全施工措施的落实 D. 职工安全事故的赔偿 [单选题]作业人员进入电容器柜内或在电容器上工作时有何要求?
A.要将电容器逐个充电,并接地后方可作业 B.要将电容器逐个放电,不用接地可作业 C.要将电容器逐个放电,并接地后方可作业 D.要将电容器逐个充电,不用接地可作业 [单选题]青藏线格拉段等海拔超过3000m的高原铁路运输需要押运的危险货物时,应配备适应高原缺氧环境、符合环保要求的押运车辆。押运人员应接受(),合格后方可执行押运任务。
A.体检 B.高原体检 C.健康教育 D.高原体检和健康教育 [判断题]办理进出口货物运输手续时,订舱委托书中的托运人通常是指买方。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Sociologists use "power" to refer to the capacity of people to control or influence the actions of others. Sociologists study power to (31) not only who exercise it, but also why it’s exercised and who benefits from its use.
Of wealth, power and prestige, power is the hardest to measure. Most studies are nothing more than an average of (32) about where power is found. Many forms of power are so (33) hidden that only its holders know the source. Because it’s so hard to (34) , and tied to ideology, the subject of power is a source of much (35) in sociology. Some maintain that power in America is concentrated in the (36) of a few people who have a common (37) and who tend to act together. Wright Mills (38) that America is (39) by a "power elite". Others believe that power in America is (40) among many groups and people. Sociologists do agree that real power may not alw A. candidates B. rivals C. opponents D. competitors [多项选择]某公司是一家制造精密仪器的公司,其员工的专业素质水平较高。近期公司内部有几个重要职位的中层管理人员即将退休,急需称职的后继者。在考察这些岗位应聘者的综合素质时,较为有效的方法有()。
A. 操作能力测试 B. 公文筐测验 C. 无领导小组讨论 D. 角色扮演 [单选题]()是中国人民银行指定的电子商业汇票系统运营者,负责电子商业汇票系统的建设和运营。
A.上海票据交易所 B.深圳票据交易所 C.上海清算所 D.中央国债登记结算有限公司 [单选题]气温在( )℃以下时,应将正在使用的水银温度表改用酒精温度表。
A.-36℃ B.-30℃ C.-38℃ D.-40℃ [单项选择]自然界中的三原色指的哪三个基本色()。
A. RGB B. Lab C. HSB D. CMY [判断题]根据《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例》,道路交通事故的损失是由受害人故意造成的,保险公司不予赔偿。
[单选题]以下不属于室内消火栓系统构成的是( )。
A.A、消火栓泵 B. B、消火栓 C. C、消防水池 D. D、消火栓管道与阀门 [单项选择]X线平片只能识别哪种正常关节结构()
A. 关节软骨 B. 关节囊 C. 骨性关节面 D. 解剖关节间隙 E. 滑膜 [单项选择]下列《诗经》作品中,反映恋爱和婚姻的作品有()。
A. 《秦风•蒹葭》 B. 《卫风•氓》 C. 《郑风•将仲子》 D. 《卫风•硕鼠》 [单选题]单选题A.D.L运动方面不包括
A.轮椅上运动和转移 B.室内或室外行走 C.床上运动 D.以慢速跑45m E.公共或私人交通工具的使用 [单选题] 最大班女工在( )人以上的工业企业,应设女工卫生室,且不得与其他用室合并设置。
A.50 B.80 C.100 我来回答: 提交