"We thought there was a future in
nuclear power when no one else believed in it," says Anne Lauvergeon, chief
executive of Areva. The French, government-owned company is building the first
nuclear reactors to be constructed in Western Europe for nearly 20 years. With"
no oil, no gas, no coal and no choice", France decided to go nuclear in 1974,
and today about 80% of its electricity is generated by 59 nuclear plants across
the country. But even France became pessimistic about nuclear power: it stopped
building new reactors at the end of the 1980s and in 2002 a government report
called the industry a" monster without a future". How things have changed. Nuclear power is back in favor, thanks to fears about oil supplies, energy security and global warming. France is ready to develop its expertise into a significant export. A. Areva’s capacity is much bigger than Westinghouse and GE Hitachi B. readers figures to attract their attention C. readers the existing truth in nuclear market D. nuclear power has been in the state of revival [多选题]关于供热管网工程试运行的说法,错误的有( )。
A.工程完工后即可进行试运行 B.试运行应按建设单位、设计单位认可的参数进行 C.试运行中严禁对紧固件进行热拧紧 D.试运行中应重点检查支架的工作状况 E.试运行的时间应为连续运行48h [单选题]为客户安全考虑,客户提取现金、特别是大额现金时,柜台工作人员应( )
A.提供文明服务 B.提醒其注意安全防范 C.出外护送 D.在营业场所内护送 [单选题]个人活期储蓄存折账户及个人银行结算账户实行按()结息的方式,采用积数计息法
A.旬 B.月 C.季 D.半年 [单选题]装卸材料时,( )边走边卸,卸下的物料不得侵入限界。
A.不得 B.严禁 C.可以 D.允许 [单选题]以下说法错误的是( ):
A.具备国际结算业务能力、具有对外贷款经验的银行,在接入人民币跨境收付信息管理系统后,可以开展境外项目人民币贷款业务。 B. 银行办理境外项目人民币贷款业务时,经办行应当于境外项目人民币贷款合同签约后10个工作日内,向所在地人民银行分支机构提交贷款合同副本。首次办理境外项目人民币贷款业务的,还应当同时提交相关规章制度复印件。 C. 根据办理境外项目人民币贷款需要,银行可以向其境外分行调拨人民币资金,也可以向其境外子行或境外代理行融出人民币资金。 D.境外项目人民币贷款资金不得用作对境内提供贷款。 [多项选择]甘味药一般具有的作用是()
A. 补益 B. 和中 C. 缓急 D. 固涩 E. 调和药效 [单项选择]输血相关移植物抗宿主病易发生于()
A. 肺炎病人输血后 B. 再生障碍性贫血病人输血后 C. 严重免疫缺陷性疾病输血后 D. 溶血性贫血病人输血后 E. 白血病病人输血后 [单项选择]电气化区段轨道电路适配器对于超过10A以上的强大电流,由()A熔断器给以防护,使轨道电路受电端的设备不受损害。
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40 [多项选择]施工单位应当具备国家规定的( )等条件,依法取得相应等级的资质证书,并在其资质等级许可的范围内承担工程。
A. 注册资本 B. 工作场所 C. 专业技术人员 D. 技术装备 E. 安全生产 [多项选择]按照金属反射绝热结构的施工要求,以下正确的做法是()。
A. 端面支承与内、外板的固定,可采用焊接 B. 端面支承与内、外板的固定,可采用铆接 C. 端面支承与内、外板的固定,可采用搭接 D. 空气层间隙应按设计文件的要求确定 E. 空气层间隙应按施工文件的要求确定 [判断题]正常情况下,不应操作脱扣杆进行断路器分闸。电动操作的断路器,除操作机构中具有储能装置者外,禁止手动合闸送电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,4岁。摔倒后肩部疼痛,检查患肩下沉,患肢活动障碍,头向患侧偏斜,杜加(Dugas)征阴性。最可能的诊断是()
A. 肩关节脱位 B. 臂丛神经损伤 C. 锁骨骨折 D. 肱骨外科颈骨折 E. 桡骨小头半脱位 [单选题]数字电路采用( ) 完成对数字量进行算术运算和逻辑运算。
A.数字信号 B.模拟信号 C.数字信号或模拟信号 D.数字信号和模拟信号 [单项选择]On April 4th an alert went out around the University of Texas at Austin. Police had received a report of an Asian male, apparently carrying two weapons, near the university’s main gym. Half an hour later an update came: the subject had been located. He was a member of the military training corps, and the guns were replicas.
Phew. But that is the kind of situation that has gun opponents worried about a new bill working its way through the Texas legislature. The measure would allow people to carry concealed weapons on campus, as long as they have the proper license. That is currently prohibited in about half of the states, including Texas, although Texas lets individual universities opt out of the prohibition if they have their hearts set on it. Measures to overturn blanket campus prohibitions have popped up in a number of states this year, including Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Tennessee. This is, of course, contentious. Gun proponents argue that concealed weapons can make p A. the prohibition on campus certainly will be overturned in Texas B. carrying concealed weapons on campus in Texas may become a law C. the bill about campus weapons had been shelved in Texas D. the governor of California is in favor of the new bill [判断题]各类作业人员应询问其作业现场和工作岗位存在的危险因素、防范措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]良性颅内压增高是指颅内压增高伴()。
A. 脑积水 B. 头痛、视盘水肿等症状 C. 共济失调 D. 脑脊液蛋白增高 E. 视野缺损及偏瘫 我来回答: 提交