2005—2008年我国文化产业增加值、GDP、电子信息产业增加值增速比较 单位:% | |||
年 份 | 文化产业增加值增速 | GDP增速 | 电子信息产业增加值增速 |
2005 | 26.2 | 10.4 | 28.1 |
2006 | 21.5 | 10.7 | 20.1 |
2007 | 25.2 | 11.4 | 18.2 |
2008 | 18.5 | 8.0 | 14.6 |
Every culture attempts to create a
“universe of discourse” for its members, a way in which people can interpret
their experience and convey it to one another. Without a common system of
codifying sensations, life would be absurd and all efforts to share meanings
doomed to failure. This universe of discourse — one of the most precious of all
cultural legacies — is transmitted to each generation in part consciously and in
part unconsciously. Parents and teachers give explicit instruction in it by
praising or criticizing certain ways of dressing, of thinking, of gesturing, of
responding to the acts of others. But the most significant aspects of any
cultural code may be conveyed implicitly, not by rule or lesson but through
modeling behavior. A child is surrounded by others who, through the mere
consistency of their actions as males and fema A. The grammatical rules in the language used by the largest population in a culture. B. Rules in a culture that can be modeled on by another culture. C. Any rules that people in a culture receive throughout his life time. D. Rules and codes that shape one’s cultural perspective and behavior. [单选题]在受处分期间受到新的处分的,其处分期为尚未执行的期限与新处分期限之和。处分期最长不得超过( )。
A.二十四个月 B.三十六个月 C.四十八个月 D.六十个月 [单选题]当变压器高压侧一相熔丝断时,低压侧是什么情况( )。
A.分部断电 B.一相有电 C.一相电压降低一半,两相正常 D.两相电压降低一半,一相正常 [单项选择]风痰闭阻之痫证的治法应为()
A. 清肝泻火,化痰开窍 B. 涤痰熄风,开窍定痫 C. 平肝熄风,安神定惊清肝 D. 清热泻火,顺气豁痰 E. 舒肝和胃,健脾化瘀 [单项选择]网络营销策略的制定与 (49) 无关。
A. 企业所处行 B. 企业规模 C. 目标人群属性 D. 网络编程技术 [判断题]工作期间如无特殊情况,员工应按照服装管理部门要求着装,不得制服与便服混穿。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对发展对象进行政治审查主要内容包括:[ ]。
A.对党的理论和路线、方针、政策的态度 B.政治历史和在重大政治斗争中的表现 C.遵纪守法和遵守社会公德情况 D.直系亲属和与本人关系密切的主要社会关系的政治情况 [单选题] 电阻点焊两个焊点间距过小,使强度降低的原因是( )。
A.焊接电流被分流 B.焊接时间缩短 C.焊接效率低 D.两个焊点的热影响 [多项选择]总分类账登记常见的依据可以是( )。
A. 记账凭证汇总表 B. 汇总记账凭证 C. 原始凭证汇总表 D. 记账凭证 [单选题]采煤工作面两巷行人侧宽度不得小于()。
A.1米 B.0.5米 C.0.7米 D.1.5米 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [判断题]正常条件下云梯车每隔半年,应通过使用对整车各机构进行一次实战演练性全面检查,做到战时有备无患,随时出动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
You’re alone, driving on a deserted stretch of highway. Suddenly you are enclosed by clouds of smoke and steam as the engine-temperature light flashes its red warning. You pull over to the slow lane and switch on the four-way emergency flashers. Then what Should you keep on rolling or get off the road as fast as you can safely do soKnowing what is happening and what to do in a car emergency can save time, money, worry--even your life.So learning how to check your car will help you handle some common car emergencies. [单选题]汽车起步时,车身发抖并能听到“咔啦.咔啦”的撞击声,且在车速变化时响声更加明显。车辆在高速挡用小油门行驶时,响声增强,抖动更严重。这种现象属于( )。
A.万向传动装置异响 B.手动变速器异响 C.离合器异响 D.驱动桥异响 [多项选择]下列各项中属于犯罪中止的要件的是( )。
A. 是在危害结果产生之前放弃犯罪 B. 自动放弃犯罪 C. 是彻底放弃犯罪 D. 有效防止危害结果的发生 [单项选择]下列不属于蒙医"七素"的是()
A. 血 B. 肉 C. 发 D. 髓 E. 骨 我来回答: 提交