Before high school teacher Kimberly
Rugh got down to business at the start of a recent school week, she joked with
her students about how she’d had to clean cake out of the corners of her house
after her 2-year-old son’s birthday party. This friendly combination of chitchat
took place not in front of a blackboard but in an E-mail message that Rugh sent
to the 145 students she’s teaching at the Florida Virtual School, one of the
nation’s leading online high schools. The school’s motto is "any time, any
place, any path, any pace". Florida’s E-school attracts many students who need flexible scheduling, from young tennis stars and young musicians to brothers Tobias and Tyler Heeb, who take turns working on the computer while helping out with their family’s clam-farming business on Pine Island, off Florida’s southwest coast. Home-schoo A. with her friends B. with her colleagues C. in the classroom D. in an E-mail message sent to her students [单项选择]在竣工验收前,对已完工程及设备进行保护所需的费用属于( )。
A. 建筑安装工程措施费 B. 建筑安装工程直接工程费 C. 建筑安装工程现场经费 D. 建设单位管理费 [单项选择]某证券公司利用资金优势。在3个交易日内连续对某一上市公司的股票进行买卖,使该股票从每股10元上升至13元,然后在此价位大量卖出获利。根据《证券法》的规定,下列关于该证券公司行为效力的表述中,正确的是( )。
A. 合法,因该行为不违反平等自愿、等价有偿的原则 B. 合法,因该行为不违反交易自由、风险自担的原则 C. 不合法,因该行为属于操纵市场的行为 D. 不合法,因该行为属于欺诈客户的行为 [单项选择]港口、机场、铁路疾病预防控制机构以及国境卫生检疫机关发现下列哪种传染病时,应当按照国家有关规定立即向国境口岸所在地的疾病预防控制机构或者所在在县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门报告并互相通报
A. 黑热病 B. 流行性脑脊髓膜炎 C. 狂犬病 D. 流行性感冒 E. 霍乱 [判断题]( )饼干的成型方法有多种,其中二次成型法就是将调制好的饼干面坯,放入长方盘或其他容器内,然后放入冰箱冷冻数小时甚至更长时间,待面坯冷却后,用刀切割成所需形状和大小。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]扼制点
A. 只能是文字 B. 只能是文字与图形图像信息 C. 只能是文字与声音信息 D. 可以是文字、声音和图形图像信息 我来回答: 提交