Teenagers are under a lot of pressure
to be thin. They are led to believe that the only way they can be accepted and
fit in, is if they are thin. They resort to starving, vomiting and eating only
diet foods to try and be thin. Television is a big influence on them. They watch
shows like Beverly Hills 90210 and Melrose Place and feel they need to look as
thin as the actresses on these shows. Society is brainwashing young people into
believing that being thin is important and necessary. Diet commercials are constantly appearing on our television screens telling us that once we lose the weight, we will be happy. While your standing in the check out line at the gocery store you are surrounded by magazines claiming to have the newest and best diet. Each month another new diet appears claiming to be the diet A. Our society is flooded with diet commercials. B. The latest diet is necessarily better than all the previous ones. C. People in North America become crazy over Dieting. D. All diets are useless in fact. [多选题]下列各项属于村集体经济组织对财务计划公开的内容的有( )。
A.收益总额 B.农业基本建设计划 C.固定资产构建计划 D.收益分配计划 E.公益事业建设及一事一议筹资筹劳计划 [单选题]25T型车充电机输出过流代码为( )。
A.01 B.02 C.05 D.06 [单选题]金属材料的配电箱、电表箱应可靠接地,且接地电阻应满足要求。工作人员在接触运用中的配电箱、电表箱前,应检查接地装置是否良好,并用验电笔确认箱体确无电压后,方可接触。带电接电时作业人
A.太阳眼镜 B.高压绝缘手套或帆布手套 C.低压绝缘手套或帆布手套 D.以上都对 [判断题]施工单位班组自检、项目部检查率为100%
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]编制近期建设规划的重要意义具体体现在( )。
A. 可以确保城市有序开发 B. 明确城镇建设的时序、发展方向和空间布局 C. 完善城市规划体系的需要 D. 发挥规划宏观调控作用的需要 E. 加强城市监督管理的需要 [单选题]使用携带型仪器测量,测量用装置必要时应设遮栏或围栏,并悬挂()的标示牌。
A.“在此工作!” B.“从此进出!” C.“止步,高压危险!” D.“禁止攀登,高压危险!” [填空题]机体内环境的稳态是指()。
A.腺苷 B.利多卡因 C.胺碘酮 D.奎尼丁 E.普萘洛尔 [多项选择]银行业金融机构案件处置三项制度指()
A. 《银行业金融机构案件处置工作规程》 B. 《银行业金融机构案件(风险)信息报送及登记办法》 C. 《银行业金融机构案件防控工作联席会议制度》 D. 《严禁柜台违规行为防范案件风险的工作意见》 [单选题]具有膨胀性质的滑坡体,不宜采用的滑坡防治工具的措施是()
A.反压土方 B.减重 C.修建抗滑挡土墙 D.设树枝状排水沟 [判断题]在商用无线引入系统中,漏缆末端通过跳线接避雷器,避雷器接地,接地电阻≤10Ω。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交