The horse and carriage are things of
the past. But love and marriage are still with us and still closely
interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages{{U}}
(31) {{/U}}young couples are the result of{{U}} (32)
{{/U}}attraction and affection{{U}} (33) {{/U}}than practical
considerations. In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin{{U}} (34) {{/U}}in high school and usually find mates through their own{{U}} (35) {{/U}}and social contacts. Though young people feel free to choose their friends from{{U}} (36) {{/U}}groups, most choose a mate of similar background. This is due in part to{{U}} (37) {{/U}}guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by{{U}} (38) {{/U}}disapproval of someone they consider unsuita A. On the average B. On the whole C. On the other hand D. On the turn [单选题]监护人的职责包括以下哪方面?
A.判断并报告监护人的年龄和智力状况 B.不得处理被监护人的财产 C.保护被监护人的人身权利、财产权利以及其他合法权益等 D.代理被监护人实施任何行为 [单选题]光照消毒法不包括( )
A.紫外线灯消毒法 B.抽样灭菌灯消毒法 C.微波消毒法 D.日光暴晒法 E.紫外线灯循环风消毒法 [单项选择]属于药疹型的皮损为()。
A. 石棉疣 B. 铅、汞引起齿龈蓝灰色线 C. 严重时可形成囊肿及脓肿 D. 接触部位的水肿性红斑、糜烂、渗出 E. 荨麻疹或血管性水肿 [单选题] 送电前和运行中的变压器应检查吸湿器中的硅胶,如浸渍氯化钴的硅胶的颜色已变成( ),说明硅胶失去作用了。[1.0分]
A. 天蓝色 B. 白色 C. 粉红色 D. 黄色 [单项选择]在世界银行工程造价的构成中,下列( )不属于应急费的不可预见准备金的开支范围。
A. 工作范围以外的费用 B. 材料市场价上涨增加的费用 C. 自然灾害造成的增加费用 D. 非正常经济情况增加的费用 [单选题]当前()已成为最大的信息中心.
A.A:Intranet B.B:Internet C.C:Novell D.D:NT [单选题]目前作为开关柜局部放电带电检测的巡检项目的检测方法是( )
A.暂态地电压检测和超声波检测; B.暂态地电压检测和脉冲电流检测; C.超声波检测和超高频检测; D.脉冲电流检测和超高频检测。 [填空题]
Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are ten missing words in it. Fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear on the tape. In police work, you can never predict the next crime or
problem. No working day is identical to any other, so there is no typical day
for a police officer. Some days are {{U}} (21) {{/U}} slow, and the job
is {{U}} (22) {{/U}} , other days are so busy that there is no time to
eat. I think I can {{U}} (23) {{/U}} police work in one word:
{{U}} (24) {{/U}} Sometimes it’s dangerous. One day, for example, I was
working undercover; that is, I was on the job, but I was wearing {{U}} (25)
{{/U}} clothes, not my police {{U}} (26) {{/U}} . I was trying to
catch some {{U}} (27) {{/U}} who were stealing money from people as they
walked down the street. Suddenly, seven bad men jumped out at me; one of them
had a knife, and we got into a fight.
Another police [判断题]CCTV摄像头主要设在车站、主变电所等关键位置,可实现中央和就地控制。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]固定母线安装夹板时,必须有一个是铜的或钢的,不能全用( )的。 ( )
A.铝 B.铜 C.铁 D. 铝合金 [单项选择]官底位于耻骨联合上2-3横指()
A. 妊娠12周末 B. 妊娠16周末 C. 妊娠20周末 D. 妊娠24周末 E. 妊娠28周末 [判断题]机械设备经济分析时,运行费是指在全寿命过程中为保证机械运行所投人的除维修费用以外的一切费用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照《山东省安全生产条例》规定:新闻、出版、广播、电影、电视、网络等媒体应当加强对社会公众的安全生产公益宣传教育,对安全生产违法行为进行()。
A.A.舆论监督 B.B.社会监督 C.C.新闻监督 [多选题]工作票签发人应由熟悉人员技术水平、熟悉()、熟悉本规程,并具有相关工作经验的生产领导、技术人员或经本单位批准的人员担任,名单应公布。
A.配电网络接线方式 B.工作范围内的设备情况 C.设备情况 D.现场运行规程 E.略 F.略 [单选题]重点账户对账频率一年对账不少于( )。
A.四次 B.六次 C.十次 D.十二次 [简答题]试描述位错增殖的双交滑移机制。如果进行双交滑移的那段螺型位错长度为100nm,而位错的伯氏矢量为0.2nm,试求实现位错增殖所必需的剪应力(G=40GPa)。
[多选题]在物业管理区域,业主可以共同决定的事项包括制定和修改业主大会议事规则、管理规约、选举、撤换业主委员会的组成人员及( )等事项。
A.改建、重建建筑物及其附属设施 B.有关共有和共同管理权力的其它重大事项 C.日常费用的开支审批 D.专项维修资金使用、筹集方案 E.选聘和解聘物业服务公司 [单项选择]积液呈黄色,常见于()。
A. 尿毒症 B. 阿米巴脓肿破溃 C. 曲霉菌感染 D. 铜绿假单胞菌感染 E. 溶血性黄疸 [判断题]进入底坑应先打开底坑内的低压照明然后按动底坑停车开关,切断电梯回路,使轿厢不能再运行。并在层站和层门、轿厢门上挂上警示牌
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]散文《髻》中拒绝使用时髦发油,坚持梳老式发型的人物是()。
A. “我”母亲 B. “我”姨娘 C. “我” D. 刘嫂 [单选题]下列关于使用警械、武器的说法错误的是( )。
A.人民警察违法使用武器、警械,尚不构成犯罪的,应当依法给予行政处罚 B.人民警察违法使用武器、警械,尚不构成犯罪的,应当依法给予行政处分 C.人民警察违法使用武器,造成无辜人员伤亡或者财产损失的,由该人民警察所属机关给予赔偿 D.人民警察违法使用武器、警械,构成犯罪的,应当依法追究刑事责任 [单选题]社会规律和自然规律的区别在于( )。
A.是否具有客观性 B.是否具有强制性 C.是否具有稳定性 D.是否能够离开人类的实践活动而存在 [判断题]同杆塔架设的多回线路中部分线路停电或直流线路中单极线路停电检修,在工作人员对带电导线最小距离小于表3规定的安全距离时,经工作负责人同意即可进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]焊接电缆太长会增大电压降;太短则操作不便。焊接电缆如接长,其接头应少于2个。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]汛前,各工务段以“防洪三项基础工作”(排水设施、( )、检查通道)为整治重点,做好隐患整治工作。
[填空题]列车速度控制系统可分为列车超速防护系统、列车自动减速系统和( )。
A.A、分管安全生产的负责人 B.B、主要技术负责人 C.C、安全总监 D.D、职能部门负责人 [单选题]患者,男性,32岁,6天前右手被铁丝划伤,未经处理,近日出现遇光及听到声响后
牙关紧闭,角弓反张等症状,诊断为破伤风。对该患者的护理正确的是() A.白天拉开窗帘,保持病室光线充足 B.做治疗查对床号姓名时应大声呼唤 C.减少出入该病房人员次数 D.使用约束带防止角弓反张 E.用过的敷料先清洗后灭菌 [简答题]排列正线接车进路时,白光带已经出现,但信号开放不了的主要原因是什么?
How to Start a Small Business in the US People from other countries often take America as the "land of opportunity". Americans, too, believe that the country gives no end of chances to those who want to open their own businesses. Today, many Americans are still trying hard to become small business people, although only one out of two remains in operation after the first two years. Many people start their small businesses for the wrong reasons. They want to get away from the paper work of their present jobs or to exchange the responsibility of their present jobs for free life styles. But more, not less, paper work and responsibility come with ownership of a small business. Thomas is the owner of the news magazine Mother Earth, which is now quite successful. He says that he had to work sixty hours without stopping when he was trying to bring out the first issue. Thomas had waited for years after he came up with the idea for M A. All of them close down in the first two years. B. Most of them fail within the first two years. C. They all make big profits. D. Only half of them continue to operate after the first two years. [判断题]广域网中的各个物理网络通过通信线路连接起来,构成环型结构。()
A. B. C. D. [判断题]核心理财产品的账户类型支持两种:阳光理财计划权利凭证和卡内账户
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在售后租回交易形成融资租赁的情况下,对所售资产的售价与其账面价值之间的差额,应当采用的会计处理方法是()。
A. 计入当期收益 B. 计入递延收益 C. 售价高于其账面价值的差额计入递延收益,反之计入当期损益 D. 售价高于其账面价值的差额计入当期损益,反之计入递延收益 [单选题]配备了消防软管的手提式灭火器,软管长度应不小于小于( )cm。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 我来回答: 提交