Regular child care provided outside
home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine healthy
emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old infants, according
to a long-term national study. The finding holds even if care begins during the
first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week. Among infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mothers, however, the mother-child relationship may be damaged. "This research helps us put apart complexities regarding child care that have not previously been studied in detail," contends Jay Belsky, a psychologist. The investigation consists of 1,153 children and their families living in or near Boston. The youngsters, no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991, will be tracked until the age of 7. Experimenters administered que A. rain a kid’s growth B. harm the mother-child tie C. injure a baby’s emotional reaction D. spoil a child’s personality [单项选择]思想品德教育过程中,如果只看到学生差的地方,认为无可救药,那就违背了()原则。
A. 对学生严格要求与尊重信任相结合 B. 发扬积极因素与克服消极因素相结合 C. 统一要求与从实际出发相结合 D. 正面教育与纪律约束相结合 [单项选择]研究人员把受试者分成两组:A组做十分钟自己的事情,但不从事会导致说谎行为的事;B组被要求偷拿考卷,并且在测试时说谎。之后,研究人员让受试者戴上特制电极,以记录被询问的眨眼频率。结果发现,A组眨眼频率会微微上升,但B组的眨眼频率率先是下降,然后大幅上升至一般频率的8倍。由此可见:通过观察一个人的眨眼频率,可判断他是否在说谎。对以下哪项问题的回答,几乎不会对此项研究的结论构成质疑?()
A. A组和B组受试者在心里素质方面有很大差异吗? B. B组受试者是被授意说假话,而不是自己要说假话,由此得出的说假话与眨眼之间的关联可靠吗? C. 用于A组和B组的仪器设备是否有什么异常? D. 说假话是否会导致心跳加速,血压升高? [填空题]不合格产品包括()品和()品。
A. 9529 B. 9530 C. 9532 D. 9533 [单项选择]
Our theory and practice in the area of sentencing have undergone a gradual but dramatic metamorphosis through the years. Primitive man believed that a crime created an imbalance, which could be rectified only by punishing the wrongdoer. Thus, sentencing was initially vengeance-oriented. Gradually, emphasis began to be placed on the deterrent value of a sentence upon future wrongdoing. [判断题]人力叉杆适用于各种类型 10kV 及以下架空线路的电杆组立。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]代维人员上岗认证范围包括()以下哪几类代维人员。
A. 新聘 B. 转岗 C. 升岗 D. 上岗证到期再认证 E. 专职驾驶员 [简答题]简述CRH1A型动车组辅助变流器的作用?
[多选题]缓降器总体上分为( )。
A.摩擦式 B.离心式 C.往返式 D.制动式 E.自救式 [单项选择]发包方在收到承包方的竣工结算报告及结算资料后()内仍不支付工程款,承包商可以与发包人协议将工程折价,也可以有承包商向人民法院申请将工程依法拍卖。
A. 14天 B. 28天 C. 42天 D. 56天 我来回答: 提交