About a decade ago, then-Republican
House leader Newt Gingrich raised a big stir when he implied that a mother’s
drowning of her two children in South Carolina was the result of years of
permissive rule by the Democrats. His political enemies struck back, and it became a major moment in the morality plays of the 1990s. Gingrich is gone, relegated to the sidelines of the talking-head circuit. But after a decade of his Republicans in control, the headlines don’t seem all that different. In the same month of an election in which a fifth or so of the voters said they were most concerned about fuzzily defined "moral values", Americans cringed at the news at home. A hunter slaughtering other hunters in Wisconsin. A mother hacking off her child’s limbs in Texas. A woman locking two little girls in a storage unit in Maryland. Then, the sad spectacles of o A. Human Threats, Disasters Compete for World Attention B. Election: the Struggle between the Democrats and the Republicans C. Despite Bad Behaviors, There’s Plenty to Be Thankful for D. President Bush Has More to Worry about than Iraqi War [简答题]销售人员最重要的活动主要包括?
A. 泄漏电流 B. 电导电流 C. 电容电流 D. 电导电流 [多选题]长波通信多用于( )等领域。
A. 海上通信 B. 水下通信 C. 地下通信 D. 导航 [单项选择]下列哪项不是后备式UPS的功能部件?()
A. 整流器 B. 逆变器 C. 变频器 D. 自动稳压器 [判断题]增值税纳税人以1个月或者1个季度为1个纳税期的,自期满之日起30日内申报纳税。()
A. 内部电路故障 B. 过载 C. 进行维修 D. 市电停电 [判断题]《气瓶安全监察规定》规定,充装单位负责人和气瓶充装人员应 当经地(市)级或者地(市)级以上
质监部门考核,,取得特种设备作业人员证书。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]长时间在户外活动时,低波长紫外线的吸收对机体DNA造成的可能损伤有:
A.形成胸腺嘧啶二聚体 B.DNA链的铰链或断裂 C.碱基环断裂 D.碱基氧化修饰 [判断题] 进入沼气池救人要佩戴空气呼吸器,一时缺乏呼吸保护装具时,要用湿毛巾掩住口鼻。
* A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]清代三画僧各自的艺术风格?
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