In order to work here the foreigner
needs a work permit, which must be (31) for by his
prospective employer. The problem here is that the Department of Employment has
the right to (32) or refuse these permits, and there is
little that can be (33) about it, it would be extremely
unwise (34) a foreign visitor to work without a permit, since
anyone doing so is (35) to immediate deportation. There are
some (36) to this rule, most notably people from the Common
Market countries, who are (37) to work without permits and
who are often given (38) residence permits of up to five
years. Some (39) people, such as doctors, foreign
journalists, authors and others, can work without (40)
. The problem with the Act is not just that some of its rules are unfair but the way it is administere A. permits B. ask C. accepts D. done [判断题]道岔开通信号:表示进路道岔准备妥当。昼间—拢起的黄色信号旗高举头上左右摇动;夜间—白色灯光高举头上。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]当系统无功功率不足时,可以采用的调压方式有(____)。
A.改变变压器变比调压; B.并联电容器调压; C.并联调相机; D.并联静止无功补偿器 [判断题]同轴E1连接线阻抗为120Ω。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]教育与政治关系的演进,实质上就是政治民主化与( )演进和发展的过程.
A. 镫骨肌反射 B. 神经兴奋性试验 C. 泪腺分泌试验 D. 味觉试验 E. 颌下腺流量试验 [多选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中要求,图形标志符合标准、( )、信息准确。
A.定期维护,作用良好 B.齐全醒目,位置恰当 C.无违规改造和改变用途 D.安装牢固,内容规范 [单选题]以下属于两灯三显示的信号机有哪些( )。
A.入场信号机 B.发车(出库)信号机 C.调车信号机 D.阻拦信号机 [多选题]在尊重客户、有利于公平结算的前提下,可采用客户乐于接受的( )进行抄表收费工作。
A.技术手段 B.结算日期 C.结算方式 D.付费方式 [判断题]金融资产总量是指手持现金、银行存款、有价证券、保险等其他资产的总量。()
[单选题]判断一个政府的好坏,主要看它能否有效、合理地( )。
A.促进GDP飞速增长 B.实现国防现代化 C.分配社会基本权利和义务 D.建立严格的法律制度 [简答题]简述在一台裸机上全新安装WindowsXP操作系统的主要步骤?(5分)
[单选题]中间站货物列车摘下人力制动机故障的车辆无其他车辆连挂时,经( )准许,可将列车中其他人力制动机良好的车辆摘下连挂,不能摘下其他车辆时,不得摘车。
A.调车长 B.值班员 C.列车调度员 D.值班站长 [单项选择]项目评估方法论原则是综合与单项相结合,( )。
A. 以综合为主 B. 以单项为主 C. 灵活应用 D. 重在准确 我来回答: 提交