Venus (金星) is known as the earth’s
"twin" because the two planets are so like each other in size. The diameter of
Venus is about 7, 520 miles (12,100 km. ), smaller than that of the earth. No
other planet comes closer to the earth than Venus. At its nearest approach it is
about 25,000,000 miles (40,2000,000 km. ) away. As seen from the earth, Venus is the first planet or star that can be seen in the western sky in the evening. At other times, it is the last planet or star that can be seen in the eastern sky in the morning. When Venus is near its brightest point, it can be seen in daylight. Early astronomers called the object that appeared in the evening Hesperus, and Phosphorus in the morning. Later, they realized these two objects were the same planet. They named it Venus in honor of th A. The Size of Venus B. Venus and the Earth C. Venus—the Earth’s "Twin" D. The Nearest Neighbor [单选题]急性心力衰竭较为常见的是
A.急性肺水肿 B.心源性休克 C.急性左心衰 D.急性右心衰 E.呼吸困难 [单项选择]现金流量表是以( )为基础编制的。
A. 经营活动的现金流量 B. 投资活动的现金流量 C. 筹资活动的现金流量 D. 现金 [多选题]李某,1985年7月生,1999年11月李某犯( )时,应当负刑事责任。
A.故意杀人罪 B.故意伤害罪 C.抢劫罪 D.运输毒品罪 [填空题]
Urgent Tasks for China Water has long been considered an inexhaustible resource. But China is facing an unmistakable water crisis, and recently, because of increasingly hard-to-miss symptoms of the shortage, people in all parts of society are beginning to realize just how precious commodity water really is. At first glance, it seems like there should be enough: China’s total supply of freshwater resources ranks sixth in the world, after Brazil, Russia, Canada, the United States and Indonesia. But despite this apparent advantage, China’s per capita water resources fall far below the world average of 7,600 cubic meters per-capita due to the country’s enormous population size. China’s per-capita amount of 2,200 cubic meters is expected to decrease further as the country continues its rapid economic growth and population expansion. "Without excessively exploiting underground water, China has a water gap of nearly 40 bill [多选题]影响压缩机跳停的原因有哪些。( )
A.油压低 B.排气压力高 C.吸气压力低 D.电流高 E.排气温高 [单选题]幼儿喜欢游成的最因很多,这是由幼儿身心发展的特点如)两方面决定的。
A.幼儿的知识经验 B.教师的教育特点 C.游戏本身的特点 D.幼儿的发展水平 [单选题]各种旅客列车都分为上行和下行,以()为中心。
A.省会城市 B.首都 C.铁道部 D.铁路局 [判断题]双套腰结身体结索主要用于进入口、竖井等狭小的竖坑内的人员救助,或者作为战斗员进入时的安全绳使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高处作业应( )。
A. 搭设脚手架 B.使用高空作业车 C.升降平台 D.采取其他防止坠落的措施 [填空题]车轮传感器的工作频率为( )
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