The European online fashion business is
fierce. Just ask backers of one-time highfliers. Like {{U}}boo. com{{/U}}, the urban
sportswear retailer that {{U}}tanked{{/U}} last year, and {{U}}dressmart{{/U}}, com, the
struggling men’s wear specialist. Those once stellar online brands expanded too
fast, spent much more than they earned, and then lost their investor support
after Internet stocks began plummeting last April. The markets sent online
fashion stores a tough message: come up with business models that generate
revenues. A few firms have shown that not all online fashion shops are Internet disasters. Copenhagen-based {{U}}haburi, com{{/U}}, the online designer-label discount store, Sweden’s sportswear vendor Sportus and the Italian shirts store Marco Bracci are doing well in a very tough environment. Haburi’s distinctive business model is a A. has gone through the most difficult times B. was in a big boom some time ago C. lost support of all its stockholders D. made much money from urban sportswear last year [单项选择]关于亚硝酸盐表述错误的是()
A. 可引起肠源性青紫症 B. 可导致组织缺氧 C. 亚甲蓝是其特效解毒剂 D. 可导致呼吸衰竭而死亡 E. 中毒原因是高铁血红蛋白被还原为亚铁血红蛋白 [简答题]《行规》中调车人员在推进车辆运行时,作业位置是如何规定的?
A. 黄金 B. 不记名证券 C. 枪支弹药 D. 麻醉药 [单项选择]有下列程序段: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { char b[] = "Hello,you"; b[5] = 0; cout<<b<<end1; return 0; } 执行此程序后,得到的输出结果是( )。
A. Hello,you B. Hello0you C. Hello D. 0 [单选题]检查工作票所列安全措施是否正确完备,是否符合现场实际条件,必要时予以补充完善是( )的安全责任。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作许可人 C.工作负责人(监护人) D.专责监护人 [填空题]A boy doesn’t become a man at the same age everywhere over the (76)
world. Many people in America felt that a boy becomes a man (77) since he is eighteen years old. It is difficult for an Eskimo boy. (78) An Eskimo boy becomes a man when he kills his first polar (79) bear. The polar bear, that may be nine feet long and weigh (80) 1,000 pounds, is a very dangerous animal. To kill one take a (81) lot of courage and skills. The boy who must kill a polar (82) bear developed the skills and courage. (83) Polar bears give the Eskimos meat for eat, skins for clothing, (84) and oil for heating and lighting. A boy who can provide all these things certain becomes a man. [单项选择]玉女煎中具有“引火下行”作用的药味是()。
A. 丹皮 B. 石膏 C. 地黄 D. 秦艽 E. 牛膝 [名词解释]packet包
[填空题]普通电力变压器不能作为弧焊电源的原因是 ( )
A. 气血充足 B. 气火有余 C. 血虚 D. 血络受伤 E. 余毒日久,损伤筋骨 [单选题]指挥人员负责对可能出现的事故采取必要的防范措施。( )
A.正确; B.错误。 [多选题]作业人员有权拒绝()。
A.强令冒险作业 B.标准化作业 C.规范作业 D.违章指挥 [判断题]部件修程原则上三级修修竣的部件装用在三级修动车组上(三级修与四/五级修检修要求相同的部件除外),新造、四/五级修修竣的部件可装用在各级修程动车组上。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]助燃物质数量不足时不会发生燃烧。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]网络部门需将维保服务情况、( )等进行存档,定期对工单完成情况进行统计分析。
A. 手工编制后输入计算机 B. 固定资产、工资等核算模块自动生成 C. 手工编制后扫描入会计核算软件 D. 根据原始凭证直接在计算机上编制记账凭证 [简答题] 160km/h≥υmax>120km/h 正线,轨道动态质量容许偏差管理值车体垂向加速度Ⅲ级为 m/s2。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]墙板采用靠放架堆放时与地面倾斜角度宜大于( )<
A.80° B.60° C.70° D.30° [单选题]兆欧表俗称( )。
A.摇表 B.欧姆表 C.绝缘电阻表 D.万用表 [多项选择]各级网管维护中心负责对用户口令、操作权限的管理,()
A. 账号口令可交叉使用 B. 任何人都可用任何账号 C. 各类设备与系统应设定各级操作权限和口令 D. 操作人员只可使用权限内的操作,用户账号及口令不可泄露给无关人员 [单选题]保证安全的组织措施就是工作票制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下哪个为GTG QA板的软件版本文件?(
A.GTGOC.MVR B.GTGOA.MVR C.GTGQA.MVR D.GTGO.MVR [填空题]You may suffer a muscle contraction headache if you read for a long time with______.
[单选题]BA031 测试桩内部的连接电缆一端焊接在管道上,另一端( )供测试用。
A.用绝缘材料包扎 B.伸出地面 C.与电源相连 D.与里程桩相连 [多选题]公共生活的特征包括()。
A.活动范围的广泛性 B.活动内容的开放性 C.交往对象的复杂性 D.活动方式的多样性 [多选题]绝缘手套法断分支杆引线时工作负责人作业前应检查确认作业装置和现场环境符合带电作业条件包括:( )
A.待断引流线确已空载 B.电压互感器确已退出 C.负荷侧变压器已退出、 D.熔管已取下 [单选题]单机运行或牵引车辆运行时,前方进路由( )负责。
A.调车长 B.助理值班员 C.调车人员 D.司机 [简答题]什么叫“重章叠句”?
[填空题] President Clinton later today joins (S1)________ President Ford. Carter and Bush at "the president’’s summit or America s future (S2) ________ at recruiting one million volunteer tutors to provide after-school, weekend and summer reading help for up to three million children. Mr. Clinton will ask Congress this coming week for nearly three (S3) ________ dollars to fund a five-year program called "America Reads".
The program would fund the (S4,) ________ efforts of 20 thousand reading (S5) ________ and it would also give (S6) ________ to help parents help children read by the third grade, or about age eight. During his Saturday radio (S7) ________, the president explained why the program is important; "we ’’need ’’ America Reads’’ and we need it now. Studies show that if the fourth-graders fail to read well, (S8)____________________. But, 40 percent of them still can’’t read at a basic level."
Volunteer tutors, who provide community service in exchange for college funding a
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]人工流产术后10余天,仍有较多阴道出血,其原因应首先考虑为
A. 子宫内膜炎 B. 子宫复旧不全 C. 吸宫不全 D. 子宫穿孔 E. 子宫绒毛膜癌 [单选题]列车运行监控装置LKJ可以施加 和紧急制动。
A.列车牵引 B.常用制动 C.列车供电 D.停放制动 [单项选择]
下列关于欧美政治发展特点的介绍,正确的是() A. ①②④ B. ②③ C. ②④ D. ②③④ [判断题]Ⅲ类工具在防止触电的保护方面依靠由安全特低电压供电和在工具内部不会产生比安全特低电压高的电压。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交