Society was fascinated by science and
things scientific in the nineteenth century. Great breakthroughs in engineering,
the use of steam power, and electricity were there for all to see, enjoy, and
suffer. Science was fashionable and it is not surprising that, during this great
period of industrial development, scientific methods should be applied to the
activities of man, particularly to those involved in the processes of
production. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, international competition
began to make itself felt. The three industrial giants of the day, Germany,
America, and Great Britain, began to find that there was a limit to the
purchasing power of the previously apparently inexhaustible markets. Science and
competition therefore provided the means and the need to improve industrial
efficiency. Frederick A. scientific and human B. efficient but slave-driving C. academic but practicable D. brutal but highly successful [单项选择]
One day a farmer bought four donkeys at the market place in the village. He got (56) the back of one of (57) and began to ride home. [填空题]四个意识是指( )、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识。
[单选题]电流互感器的二次绕阻接成星形或两相不完全星形时,在正常负荷电流下,其接线系数是( ) 。
A.√3 B.1 C.3 D.1/√3 [单选题]对于45°拉线长度可按地面杆高的()来计算,并加上回头缠绕长度。
A.2倍 B.1.828倍 C.1.414倍 D.1.114倍 [多项选择]抗日战争中,各敌后抗日根据地建立的锄奸保卫机构有( )
A. 中央苏区公安局 B. 晋察冀边区公安总局 C. 晋绥公安局 D. 冀鲁豫边区政府公安总局 [单项选择]过去的许多爆炸事故都是在()时发生的。
A. 装卸货 B. 航行 C. 洗舱 D. 除气 [多选题] 以下属于关口计量点的有(____)。
A.发电上网关口 B.省级供电关口 C.地市供电关口 D.内部考核关口 我来回答: 提交