An ideal college should be a community,
a place of close, natural, intimate association, not only of the young men who
are its pupils and novices in various lines of study, but also of young men with
older men, with veterans and professionals in the great undertaking of learning,
of teachers with pupils, outside the classroom as well as inside it. No one is
successfully educated within the walls of any particular classroom or laboratory
or museum; and no amount of association, however close and familiar and
delightful, between mere beginners can ever produce the sort of enlightenment
which the young lad gets when he first begins to catch the infection of
learning. The trouble with most of our colleges nowadays is that the faculty of
the college live one life and the undergraduates quite a different one. A. should have mature, experienced and professional men on its staff B. should be managed by experienced scholars C. should be managed by experienced scholars and energetic young men D. should see tight, harmonious connection between the experienced and the inexperienced [简答题]Directions: The following is the introduction of a person.
After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it(No. 46
through No. 50). You should write your answers briefly(in no more than 3
Vera Wang has become a significant figure in the American
fashion industry in a relatively short period of time. She has no formal design
training because her father wouldn’t let her go to art school and wanted her to
concentrate on more “practical subjects”. After earning a degree in liberal
arts, Vera worked as an editor at Vogue for 17 years and as a design director of
Ralph Lauren for two years. In 1990 she opened her first boutique(时尚 精品店)on
Madison Avenue in New York, in a less expensive line of ready-to-wear bridal and
evening dresses. She chose bridal wear for she wanted to build a fashion company
starting with one market and then expand into others. She became a household
name in 1994 w
[单选题]对受到开除处分的人员,用人单位应当解除其劳动合同,( )年内不得重新录用。
A.五 B.四 C.三 D.二 [多选题]关于变电站(换流站)工程施工区布置说法正确的是()。
A.实行封闭管理,采用安全围栏进行围护、隔离、封闭 B.道路两旁应设置公示栏、标语等宣传类设施 C.作业区应进行围护、隔离 D.在适宜区域设置饮水点、吸烟室 [判断题] 境外非政府组织未登记设立代表机构,可以临时在中国境内开展活动。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪项不是寒邪致病的特点
A. 困重 B. 无汗 C. 泄泻 D. 疼痛 E. 苔薄白 [判断题]架线前,放线施工段内的杆塔应与接地装置连接,并确认接地装置符合设计要求。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]预算松弛指的是()。
A.预算编制时间与预算开始时间之间的提前期 B.预算的产量与实际产量的差异 C.预算时获得的增量产能,而实际上可能不会用上 D.在编制预算时故意高估成本低估收入 [单项选择]导致设备局部放电的因素中的状态运行影响不包括哪项()
A. 绝缘材料不均匀 B. 运行过电压 C. 雷电波冲击 D. 谐波畸变 [单选题]"去抢标:抢GE的Carestation 650应该使用哪种方法:( )
A.A7 B.WATO EX-65 C.WATO EX-65 Pro D.使用WATO EX-65和EX-65 Pro上下夹击的策略 [单项选择]患者女性,35岁。面部水肿,乏力1个月。双耳廓可见冻疮样皮疹,双手指、足趾掌侧可见充血性红斑。四肢关节对称性、游走性疼痛。考虑SLE可能。为明确诊断,应检查()
A. 血常规 B. 血沉 C. 抗核抗体 D. 血清球蛋白 E. 血清白蛋白 [多选题]使用钢筋弯曲机弯曲长度为()mm的短钢筋时,要防止钢筋弹出伤人。
A.250 B.350 C.450 D.550 [单项选择]调制蛋泡面主坯,掺粉时必须采用()的手法,否则影响成品的膨松性
A. 炒拌 B. 调和 C. 搅和 D. 揣 [单选题]一位女教师30岁,身高160厘米,如果其每日需要热量为10000千焦,则其每日需蛋白质( )克。
A.60~90 B.53~66 C.359~420 D.556~649 [判断题]运检模式“三个转变”包含倒闸操作模式转变、运维巡视模式转变、日常维护模式转变。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]后张现浇混凝土中的管道一般由刚性或半刚性管道构成,应满足如下要求( )。
A. 足够的强度 B. 足够的刚度 C. 壁厚要求 D. 不允许漏浆 E. 能按要求传递粘结力 [多选题]以下哪项属于精神风貌项
A.仪表举止端庄、温文尔雅、落落大方,不矫揉做作、不轻浮放肆 B.服侍整洁、大方、得体,要注意根据气候变化、工作环境和特定场合选择合适的衣着 C.与客户交谈时要关注对方、彬彬有礼、谈吐得体 D.保持愉快的工作情绪,不能将个人情绪带到工作之中 [判断题]微机保护装置的实时时钟信号及其他主要动作信号在失去直流电源的情况下不能丢失,在电源恢复正常后应能重新正确显示并输岀。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]省公司统一建立投诉客户回访制度,规范( )和( )、统一( ),避免多头回访、重复回访,对回访中客户再次反映的问题进行后续跟进。
A.回访方式 B.回访流程 C.回访口径 D.回访时限 我来回答: 提交