Kindergarten students are typically four or five years of age. In class, they are introduced to the alphabet, numbers, and colours; they study their bodies, their families, and their communities; they listen to stories read aloud; they make art projects; and they learn about holidays, plants, animals, and other topics in science and social studies. Some kindergartens also teach introductory reading and mathematical skills. Kindergartens tend to offer children a foundation for the development of social skills, self-confidence, motivation, and the process of learning.
The first kindergarten was started by German educator Friedrich Froebel in 1837 in Blankenburg, Prussia (now part of German). Froebel chose the German term kindergarten (children’s garden) because he intended children in his school to grow as freely as flowers in a garden. Froebel’s kindergarten was based on the then idea that children’s play was significant. At the time, almost no children u
A. The first kindergarten was not started by German educator Friedfrieh Froebel in 1837 in Brandenburg, Prussia.
B. Froebel chose the German term kindergarten (children’s garden) because he intended children in his school to grow freely in a garden.
C. At the time, almost every child under the age of seven attended school, so Froebel designed his kindergarten for children between three and seven.
D. Froebel’s kindergarten was based on the then ideas that children’s play was significant and the kindergarten became widely admired for its revolutionary methods.
Imagining being asked to spend twelve
or so years of your life in a society which consisted only of members of your
own sex. How would you react Unless there was something definitely wrong with
you, you wouldn’t be too happy about it, to say the least. It is all the more
surprising therefore that so many parents in the world choose to impose such
abnormal conditions on their children--conditions which they themselves wouldn’t
put up with for one minute! Any discussion of this topic is bound to question the alms of education. Stuffing children’s heads full of knowledge is far from-being foremost among them. One of the chief aims of educations is to equip future citizens with all they require to take their place in adult society. Now adult society is made up of men and women, so how can a segregated (隔离的) school possi A. co-education makes students more creative and imaginative about each other B. segregated education often results in illusions about different sex C. fairy tales and hero stories have become an essential part in segregation schools D. American students in general have their own ideal images of the opposite sex [单项选择]生产经营单位的从业人员不服从管理,违反安全生产规章制度或者操作规程,应该按照()进行处理。
A. 由单位给予批评教育,依照有关规章制度给予处分 B. 由安全生产监督管理部门给予行政处分 C. 责令改正,并给予一定的罚款 D. 依法追究刑事责任 [单选题]本规则应放置在供电企业的用电( ),供用户查阅。
A.A:供电所。 B.B:营业场所。 C.C:营业厅。 D.D:办公场所。 E.略 F.略 [多项选择]患者女,71岁,已婚,退休工人,因“确诊肝硬化10年,黑便伴头晕、乏力2天”入院。查体:T37℃,心率100次/分,血压90/60mmHg,皮肤巩膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结无肿大,双肺呼吸音低,腹软,未见静脉曲张,全腹无压痛,肝肋下未及,脾肋下二指,移动性浊音(-),肠鸣音3~5次/分。双下肢无水肿。提示:胸部CT提示左侧肺部感染并中等量胸腔积液,右侧少量胸腔积液。超声心动提示:左心增大,主动脉瓣退变,二尖瓣退变并轻度反流,肺动脉高压(轻度)。EF76%。PPD试验阴性,血生化提示:CK260U/L,CK-MB80U/L,LDH248U/L,TBIL57.0μmol/L,IBIL29.90μmol/L,ALB30.5g/L,AST65U/L。考虑目前可能的诊断()。
A. 慢性心功能不全 B. 肝硬化伴胸腔积液 C. 肺部感染 D. 肝硬化伴腹腔积液 E. 肺结核 F. 肺部肿瘤 我来回答: 提交