To understand how Americans think about
things, it is necessary to understand "the point". Americans mention it often:
"Let’s get right to the point," they will say. "My point is.... What’s the point
of all this " The "point" is the idea or piece of information that Americans suppose is, or should be, at the center of people’s thinking, writings, and spoken comments. Speakers and writers are supposed to "make their points clear", meaning that they are supposed to say or write clearly the idea or piece of information they wish to express. People from many other cultures have different ideas about the point. Africans traditionally tell stories that express the thoughts they have in mind, rather than staring "the point" clearly. Japanese traditionally speak indirectly, leaving the listener to figure out what the poi A. office B. time C. speech D. clothes [多选题] 隧道发生火灾事故,应急队员应携带()从隧道上风口进入隧道
A.通讯工具 B.防毒面具 C.防护服 D.灭火器 [单选题]心灵是人类灵魂的寄存地,是人类情感的源泉,是_____个性的熔炉。填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.铸造 B.铸就 C.造就 D.制造 [判断题]型列控车载设备CIMRE3插件为安全型输出板,用于常用制动输出,由8个安全继电器组成;
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]15、人员密集场所选配灭火器时,如选择干粉灭火器,应选用( )灭火器。
A.碳酸氢钾 B.碳酸氢钠 C.磷酸铵盐 [单项选择]2007年1月1日,小张申请了一笔总贷款额度为200万元、期限为3年的个人抵押授信贷款,年利率为5.76%。到2009年6月30日,他实际已使用156万元。同一天,小张向银行申请展期4年并获批准,从7月1日起开始调整。已知2009年7月1日5年期以上贷款的挂牌年利率为5.94%。则在贷款到期时,小张累计支付的利息总额为()万元。
A. 60.325 B. 61.695 C. 67.915 D. 69.125 [判断题]飞机起降事故消防处置的重点是控制人员伤亡。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]火灾报警控制器面板操作界面内设有“( )”键,按下“( )”键可对火灾报警控制器进行消音操作。
A.消音;消音 B.复位;复位 C.自检;自检 D.屏蔽;屏蔽 [多选题]离合器过早磨损的原因( )
A.接合油压低,使离合器在接合工作中经常打滑; B.油中有泡沫,使油压不稳定; C.缓冲阀失灵,使离合器在接合时冲击力增大; D.离合器回位弹簧失灵,使离合器不能全部脱开和造成偏磨。 [单选题] ( )是公信力受损的典型表现。
A. 你说什么我都不信 B. 出尔反尔 C. 不回应 D. 不公开 我来回答: 提交