It was a cold, rainy and wholly
miserable afternoon in Washington, and a hot muggy night in Miami. It was
Sunday, and three games were played in the two cities. The people playing them
and the people watching them tell us much about the ever-changing ethnic
structure of the United States, Professional football in the United States is almost wholly played by native-born American citizens, mostly very large and very strong, many of them black. It is a game of physical strength. Linemen routinely weigh more than 300 pounds. Players are valued for their weigh and muscles, for how fast they can run, and how hard they can hit each other, Football draws the biggest crowds, but the teams play only once a week, because they get so battered. The 67,204 fans were in Miami for the final game of the Baseball World Series. Base A. Native-born American citizens. B. Europeans. C. South Americans. D. Both B and C. [判断题]买方信贷是卖方银行贷给买方企业或买方银行的信贷。
A.病变以胃窦部为主 B.血清促胃液素含量降低 C.壁细胞抗体滴度较低 D.由自身免疫引起 E.大多由幽门螺杆菌引起 [不定项选择题]男性患者,60岁,夜尿频多,腰膝酸软,形寒畏冷,阳痿不举,双下肢轻度浮肿,舌淡有齿痕,苔白,脉沉细无力。根据阴阳学说,回答以下问题。
A.阳损及阴 B.阳胜则热 C.阳虚则热 D.阳胜则寒 E.阳虚则寒 [单选题]事发单位应积极开展突发事件舆情( )工作,按照有关要求,及时披露突发事件事态发展、应急处置和救援工作的信息,维护公司品牌形象。
A.分析和引导 B.扩散 C.扩大 D.失控 [单选题]接受《内燃、电力机车检修工作要求及检查办法》文件对规检查的机务段,由检修工作责任,造成职工死亡事故时。()
A.不参加本次对规检查 B.本次对规成绩降级排名 C.超过及格成绩时按及格记 D.按失格处理 [单项选择]硅整流发电机定子总成由三组电枢线圈绕在铁芯上,线圈采用()连接。
A. 三角形 B. 星形 C. 并联 D. 串联 [单项选择]按照有关施工验收规范规定,对于地基基础设计等级为甲级或地质条件复杂、成桩质量可靠性低的灌注桩,应采用静载荷试验的方法进行检验,检验桩数不应少于总数的1%,且不应少于( )根。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7 [单项选择]甲的注册申请被批准后,省建设厅向他颁发了注册证书和执业印章。根据规定,甲因( ),其注册证书和执业印章将失效。
A. 注册有效期满未延续注册 B. 因工作调动办理变更注册手续 C. 申请专业增项注册未得到批准 D. 所在聘用单位被降低资质等级 [判断题]锤把上不可有油污。可戴手套或单手抡大锤,周围不准有人靠近。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]( )婚姻生命周期包括以下阶段( )。
A.新婚 B.成熟婚姻 C.有子女婚姻 D.老年婚姻 [单选题]当钢管或球墨铸铁管的变形率超过( ),化学建材管道变形率超过( ),应挖出管道,并会同设计研究处理
A. . 2%,3% B. . 2%,5% C. . 3%,5% D. . 5%,8% [判断题]银行须在办理外商直接投资项下各类外汇账户的开立与关闭、资金入账、结汇、购付汇、划转等业务后,须及时将有关信息报送外汇局相关业务系统。
[多选题] "在偏差上报、分析调查、处理中发生部门工作人员、岗位负责人、部门负责人的职责是( )。
A.负责偏差的及时(紧急处理) B.负责立即报告部门负责人和质量保证部 C.负责评估偏差影响 D.负责组织进行偏差根本原因调查 E.负责制定纠正预防措施,并在制定期限内完成 F.部门负责人负责审核偏差调查/整改延期的合理性" [单项选择]患者男性,45岁,上腹不适2月伴体重下降,声像图显示胰头区不规则低回声实性肿块,边界不清,呈蟹足状,肠系膜上静脉轻度抬高,肝内外胆管扩张,主胰管内径4mm,最可能诊断是()。
A. 胰岛细胞瘤 B. 胰腺癌 C. 腹膜后肿瘤 D. 胆管癌 E. 壶腹癌 [多项选择]胃大部切除术后远期并发症包括()
A. 倾倒综合征 B. 低血糖综合征 C. 贫血 D. 吻合口空肠溃疡 E. 残胃癌 [单项选择]按八脉交会穴的应用,列缺配照海的主治范围是()。
A. 眼病 B. 牙病 C. 耳病 D. 咽喉病 E. 舌体病 [判断题] 电缆管在弯制后,其弯曲程度不宜大于管子外径的10%。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]便利店收货原则不包括( )。
A.安全原则 B.准确原则 C.变通原则 D.诚信原则 [简答题]使SM460模块ERROR灯亮的条件有哪些?
[单选题]手持电器的电压,在一般场所不超过( )。
A.12V B.24V C.36V D.220V [单项选择]Wholly aside from aesthetic and moral considerations, fashion is an economic absurdity, and
there is little to be said in its favor. Nevertheless, we Carl appreciate the wisdom in Gina Sombrero’s belief that the enormous stress which women lay on everything pertaining to clothes and the art of personal adornment is connected with the tendency to crystallize sentiment into an object. Woman symbolizes every important event in her life by a special dress; and a jewel or a beautiful gown means to a woman what an official decoration means to a man. "If a woman’s clothes cost the funnily and society a little time, money, and activity, they allow woman, independent of lies and calumnies, to triumph and come to the fore outside of man’s world and competition. They allow woman to satisfy her desire to be the first in the most varied fields by giving her the illusion that she is first, and at the same time enabling her rival to have the same illusion. Clothes absorb some of woman’s acti A. is an unimportant force in a woman’s life B. promotes conformity C. promotes individuality D. is primarily concerued with beauty [单选题]特种作业风险较高,为保证作业人员和他人的安全,特种作业人员必须持证上岗。特种作业人员操作证的复审每()年进行一次。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中普速大型车站服务质量规范5.2规定,表情自然,态度和蔼,( ),举止得体,庄重大方。
A.用语文明 B.语言规范 C.谈吐大方 D.面带微笑 [判断题]倒闸操作必须由二人执行。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]子宫内膜异位症诊断
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