Standard English is that variety of
English which is usually used ill print, and which is normally taught in schools
and to non-native speakers studying tile language. It is also the variety which
is normally spoken by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other
similar situations. The difference between standard and non-standard, it should
be noted, has nothing in principle to do with differences between formal and
colloquial language; Standard English has colloquial as well as formal
variants. Historically, the standard variety of English is derived from the London dialect of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court from Winchester to London. This dialect became the one preferred by the educated, and it was developed and promoted as a model, or norm, for wider and wider A. The court moved from Winchester to London. B. The dialect was used by educated people. C. The dialect remained unaffected by foreign trade. D. The dialect was gradually accepted and spoken by more and more people. [单项选择]对企业进行流动资产价格鉴证前,首先要做的工作是( )。
A. 弄清价格鉴证流动资产范围 B. 确定价格鉴证资产的对象和范围 C. 查核待价格鉴证流动资产的产权 D. 对被价格鉴证流动资产进行抽查核实,验证基础资料 [单项选择]在新时期中国解决所有问题的关键是要靠()
A. 革命 B. 和平 C. 创新 D. 发展 [判断题]吗啡仅用于其他镇痛药无效的急性剧痛是因为该药极易成瘾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]囊肿切除RouX-Y手术最严重的后遗症是()。
A. 胆道感染 B. 十二指肠溃疡 C. 胆汁性胃炎 D. 胆总管癌变 E. 肠液逆流 [判断题]晚交班采取巡视病房的形式,可以在办公室内交班,参加交班的医师必须巡视病房,了解患者病情,对当日死亡的患者在交班后须用蓝黑色笔扼要记入交接班本中。
[单选题]食品生产经营人员应当( )进行健康检查,取得健康证明后方可参加工作。
A.每半年 B.每年 C.每二年 D.每三年 [多选题]助学贷款还款方式可以分为( )等多种还款方式。
A.一次性还本付息 B.分期还款 C.最高授信额度内随借随还 D.毕业后再还本息 [单项选择]公民、法人或者其他组织未经行政许可,擅自从事依法应当取得行政许可活动的,行政机关应当依法采取措施予以制止,并依法给予()
A. 刑事处罚 B. 经济处罚 C. 行政处罚 D. 综合处罚 [单选题]高锰钢整铸辙叉心宽40mm断面处,辙叉心垂直磨耗(不含翼轨加高部分),60kg/m及以上钢轨在除正线、到发线外的其他站线上超过( )时应及时更换。
A.6mm B.8mm C.10mm D.11mm [单选题] "下列哪项不是马斯洛人类基本需要的层次
A.生理需要 B.安全需要 C.自尊的需要 D.隐私保密的需要 " [判断题]上级主管部门人员进入营业场所内,不需要验证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]由于运营成本和风险的不同,因此商业银行的钞买价比汇买价要高。( )
[多选题]在专用无线系统中,使用综合测试仪可以测量基站设备( )等性能指标。
A.输出功率 B.发射频偏 C.调制矢量误差 D.输出光功率 我来回答: 提交