It has been a wretched few weeks for
America’s celebrity bosses. AIG’s Maurice Greenberg has been dramatically ousted
from the firm through which he dominated global insurance for decades. At Morgan
Stanley a mutiny is forcing Philip Purcell, a boss used to getting his own way,
into an increasingly desperate campaign to save his skin. At Boeing, Harry
Stonecipher was called out of retirement to lead the scandal-hit firm and raise
ethical standards, only to commit a lapse of his own, being sacked for sending
e- mails to a lover who was also an employee. Carly Fiorina was the most
powerful woman in corporate America until a few weeks ago, when Hewlett-Packard
(HP) sacked her for poor performance. The fate of Bernie Ebbers is much grimmer.
The once high-profile boss of WorldCom could well spend the rest of his life
behind bars following his A. "Law enforcement” approach. B. Decisions open to question. C. The honour code among CEOs. D. Board oversight and Self-regulation [判断题] 村民委员会、居民委员会和职工代表大会是公民参与民主管理的重要形式。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]牵引机、张力机操作,规定正确的是( )。
A.牵引机、张力机等应由持证专业人员专人操作 B.牵引机开始牵引前应启动张力机并打开刹车,停止牵引时应先停张力机,后停牵引机 C.尾线、尾绳应保持有足够的尾部张力 D.张力应缓慢升高,避免牵引绳、导线产生大幅度波动 [单项选择]在因特网中,请求域名解析的软件必须知道______。
A. 根域名服务器的 IP 地址 B. 任意一个域名服务器的 IP 地址 C. 根域名服务器的域名 D. 任意一个域名服务器的域名 [单选题]‖ 年 12 月,云南省国资委、福建民营企业新华都集团及云南白药签署《股权合作协议》:云南白药控股的股权结构将 由云南省国资委持有 100股权变更为云南省国资委和新华都集团各持有 50股权。此举有利于( )。( )
①增强国有资本控制力,巩固国有经济的主体地位 ②激发企业经营活力,完善市场化的公司治理体系 ③推动国有资本、非公有资本交叉持股,提高公司的资源整合能力 ④实现各种所有制经济在国民经济中地位平等,公平参与市场竞争 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④ [不定项选择题]A.4.5~5.4
A.5.5~6.5 B.6.6~7.8 C.7.2~7.8 D.7.0~8.5 E.精子在宫颈黏液中游动和生存的最适pH为 [多项选择]下列描述中关于申报后缴款正确的是()
A. 税款金额小于1元的可以不缴 B. 可以通过税务大厅缴款 C. 零申报超过属期申报产生滞纳金 D. 可以通过网报系统缴款 E. 网报系统中没有银行端查询缴款 [多选题]审查人员应重点对____进行评价,分析可能影响贷款偿还的风险因素,提出风险防范建议,出具审查意见。
A.贷款用途合理性 B.申请额度合理性 C.借款人还款来源的可靠性 D.代偿能力 [单选题]下列关于北魏均田制的表述,正确的是( )。
A.胡汉授田数不同 B.桑田为口分田,有授有还 C.丁男授露田四十亩,可加倍授给 D.只有平民才可授田,奴婢则不予授田 [多选题]建筑火灾在竖直方向蔓延的途径主要包括( )。
A.通过电梯井蔓延 B.通过吊顶蔓延 C.通过窗口蔓延 D.通过楼梯间蔓延 E.通过空调系统管道蔓延 [单项选择]脱碳甲醇再生时采用分段闪蒸最后气提的方法,并将闪蒸出来的高纯度()回收利用。
A. 甲醇 B. 一氧化碳 C. 二氧化碳 D. 二氧化碳和一氧化碳 [多选题]现场急救的步骤是( )。
A.迅速使伤病员脱离危险场所 B.初步检查伤病员 C.呼救 D.迅速清理现场 [多项选择]以下行为构成拐骗儿童罪的是( )。
A. 甲为了利用儿童盗窃,引诱一名13岁的失学少年和其到外地盗窃 B. 乙将老板的儿子带到自己老家藏起来,然后向老板勒索15万元 C. 丙老来无子,为了承继香火,从医院盗窃婴儿一名 D. 丁为了索要欠薪,引诱包工头的儿子到其住处,然后打电话要求包工头付工资 [单项选择] Reading is pleasure of the mind,which means what it is a little like a sport:your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good 41 .Reading is fun,not because the writer is telling you something,but because it makes your mind work.Your own 42 works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his.Your experience,compared with his,brings you to the same or different 43 ,and your ideas develop 44 you understand his.Every book stands by itself,like a one-family house,but books in a library are like house in a city.Although they are 45 ,together they all add up to something,they are 46 with each other and with other cities.The same ideas,or 47 ones,turn up in different places;the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature,but win different 48 according to different writings at different times.Books influence each other;they 49 the past,the present and the future and have their own 50 ,like families.Wherever you sta
A. results B. places C. books D. conclusions 我来回答: 提交