Passage Two
Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks(骗子). As a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School in 1989, he ended his work there disgusted with his students’ overwhelming lust for money. "They’re taught that profit is all that matters," he says. "Many schools don’t even offer ethics(伦理学) comes at all."
Etzioni expressed his frustration about the interests of his graduate students. "By and large, I clearly had not found a way to help classes full of MBAs see that there is more to life than money, power, fame and self-interest," he wrote at the time. Today he still takes the blame for not educating these "business-leaders-to-be." "I really feel like I failed them," he says. "If I was a better teacher maybe I could have reached them."
Etzioni was a respected ethics expert when he arrived at Harvard. He hoped his work at
A. questions of morality were of utmost importance in business affairs
B. self-interest should not be the top priority in business dealings
C. new and different principles should be taught at business schools
D. there was no place for ethics and morality in business dealings
The Fifth National Census Office under
the State Council has called on everyone for a factual report in the upcoming
census due to be taken on November 1st. "Any action which may put down the accuracy of the census is forbidden and will receive severe punishment. "Lin Changsong, deputy director of the office, said at a press conference in Beijing on Wednesday. Almost all the preparations for the census have been finished, 6 million census workers have been selected and trained and initial residence registration has been accomplished. The census will start at midnight on November 1st. During the first 10 days of November, census takers will work from door to door. In order to get accurate (精确的) data on the population, the central government has permitted households w A. good B. forfeit C. ticket D. goodness [多选题]下列各项中,不属于股票投资缺点的有( )。
A.投资收益低 B.无法降低购买力损失 C.流动性弱 D.风险较大 E.不能达到控制股份公司的目的 [单项选择]爆炸极限是表征可燃气体、( )和可燃粉尘危险性的主要示性数。
A. 雾气 B. 点火源 C. 蒸气 D. 混合气体 [单项选择]报废的煤层气井的井筒必须用水泥浆或者水泥砂浆封固,封固高度为从井底到最上面一个可采煤层顶板以上()米。废弃的井筒必须在井口打水泥塞,并将地面以下1.5米套管割掉,用钢板将套管焊住,然后填土至与地面平齐。
A. 100 B. 80 C. 60 D. 40 [多项选择]同一财产向两个以上债权人抵押的,拍卖、变卖抵押财产所得价款的清偿顺序和方式应为( )。
A. 抵押权已登记的,按照登记的先后顺序清偿 B. 登记的先后顺序相同的,按照债权比例清偿 C. 抵押权已登记的先于未登记的受偿 D. 抵押权未登记的,按照债权比例清偿 E. 抵押权未登记的,按照抵押设立的先后顺序清偿 [名词解释]量的评价
A. 急性额窦炎 B. 急性筛窦炎 C. 急性上颌窦炎 D. 急性蝶窦炎 E. 急性全鼻窦炎 [判断题]Ⅱ类或Ⅲ类精密进近跑道需设置跑道中线灯,Ⅰ类精密进近跑道拟在跑道视程低于400 米时
供飞机起飞也需设置跑道中线灯。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]丈量钻具时,将钢卷尺零位与钻具的母扣顶面对齐,尺身平直与钻具轴线平行,公扣台肩面对准的刻度线读数就是钻具的长度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 工作衣、工作鞋每周清洗一次,清洗完毕后再用压力灭菌器高压灭菌(121℃、30分钟)后备用。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 人员必须上线路抢修时,应申请封闭区间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]本《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》于( )起正式执行。
A.2018年9月1日 B.2018年10月1日 C.2018年11月1日 D.2019年1月1日 [判断题]判断题:盘点单程票时,须将每台 TVM、BOM内剩余的单程票、闸机回收票及车票回收箱内
的单程票全部回收后清点。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,26岁。轻度上睑下垂,上睑提肌仍有部分功能。治疗宜采用下列哪种手术方法()。
A. 上睑提肌缩短术 B. 上睑提肌缝合徙前术 C. 额肌瓣悬吊术 D. 重睑成形术 E. 筋膜条额肌悬吊术 我来回答: 提交