When we think about addiction to drugs or alcohol, we frequently focus on negative aspects, ignoring the pleasures that accompany drinking or drug-taking. (21) the essence of any serious addiction is a pursuit of pleasure, a search for a "high" that normal life does not (22) . It is only the inability to function (23) the addictive substance that is dismaying, the dependence of the organism upon a certain experience and a(n) (24) inability to function normally without it. Thus a person will take two or three (25) at the end of the day not merely for the pleasure drinking provides, but also because he "doesn’t feel (26) " without them.
(27) does not merely pursue a pleasurable experience and need to (28) it in order to function normally. He needs to repeat it again and again. Something about that particular experience makes life without it (29) complete. Other potentially pleasurable
A. other than
B. rather than
C. more than
D. less than
Already lasers can obliterate skin
blemishes, topically applied drugs can smooth facial lines and injected agents
can remove deep wrinkles. Future products will be faster, better and longer
lasting. "New substances will be developed by entrepreneurs," says Brian Mayou,
an aesthetic plastic surgeon, "that will be more successful than liquid silicone
that we use today to eradicate wrinkles." The next major breakthrough, says Mel
Braham, plastic surgeon and chief executive of the Harley Medical Group, will be
laser treatment that needs no recovery period. Nicholas Lowe, clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Los Angeles, adds: "There will be more efficient anti-oxidants to help reduce sun damage and aging. There will also be substances that increase the production of new collagen and elastic tissue to maintain the e A. applying certain lotions B. having a beauty operation C. changing the face shape D. blocking several pores [多选题]党的十八大报告在谈到十六大以来我们党领导人民取得的成就时,特别提到了我国成功举办的三个具有世界意义的重大活动,指的是( )。
A.北京奥运会 B.北京残奥会 C.深圳亚运会 D.上海世博会 [单选题]( )表面淬火容易淬裂。
A.中碳钢 B.高碳钢 C.低碳钢 D.不锈钢 [多选题]土壤的特性有哪几点?请分别说明
A.土壤的容重指的是天然状态下土壤单位体积的重量 B.地耐力是指单位面积土壤许可的耐压力,其与土壤的种类和状态有关 C.土壤内摩擦力是指一部分土壤相对另一部分土壤滑动时,土粒与土粒间的摩擦力 D.地耐压力是指单位面积土壤许可的耐压力,其与土壤的种类和状态有关 [简答题]低副是面接触的运动副,容易制造和维修,承受载荷时单位面积压力。
[单选题]认识世界的根本方法是( )。
A.从抽象到具体法 B.归纳演绎法 C.分析综合法 D.矛盾分析法 [单选题]《中华人民共和国民法典》已经颁布,下列内容不属于《民法典》新内容的是( )。
A.对居住权这一新型用益物权作出了规定 B.设立了 30 天的离婚冷静期 C.侵权责任中新增了生态破坏责任 D.限制行为能力人的法定年龄下限调整为 8 岁 [单项选择]县级以上()根据需要,为具有预防未成年人犯罪法规定的严重不良行为的适龄少年设置专门的学校实施义务教育。
A. 教育行政部门 B. 地方人民政府 C. 地方人民政府教育行政部门 D. 公安部门 [单选题]2.下列选项中不是SDH日常维护项目的是()
A.A、设备运行状态巡视 B.B、网元和单板状态检查 C.C、机架表面清扫检查 D.D、时钟状态检查 [多项选择]某旅客已定妥10月14日(星期二)从汉城(SEL)到上海的MU5052航班的C舱座位,当日0940到过上海。旅客计划在上海停留天并于10月16日继续前往巴黎。