The fact that blind people can "see"
things using other parts of their bodies{{U}} (31) {{/U}}their eyes may
help us to understand our feeling about color. If they can{{U}} (32)
{{/U}}color differences then perhaps we, too, are affected by color
unconsciously. By trial and{{U}} (33) {{/U}}, manufacturers have discovered that sugar{{U}} (34) {{/U}}badly in green wrappings, that blue foods, are considered{{U}} (35) {{/U}}and that cosmetics should never be packaged{{U}} (36) {{/U}}brown. These discoveries have grown into a whole{{U}} (37) {{/U}}of color psychology that now{{U}} (38) {{/U}}application in everything from fashion to interior decoration. Some of our{{U}} (39) {{/U}}are clearly psychological. {{U}} (40) {{/U}}blue is the color of the night sky and therefore{{U}} (41) {{/U}}passivity and calmness, while yellow A. investigation B. analysis C. negotiation D. sample [单项选择]呈长圆形或卵圆形,表面有不规则纵皱纹,断面内皮层环纹明显,气香的药材是()
A. 郁金 B. 石菖蒲 C. 白及 D. 麦冬 E. 红参 [多选题]一般情况下,客户领取吞没卡,满足( )之一即可将吞没卡退还给客户。
A.领卡人所提供的身份证明与卡片开户证件信息一致 B.领卡人身份证件上的姓名与所领卡片正面字母(拼音)或背面签名一致; C.领卡人到开户行打印的开户资料(包含姓名、卡号、资料打印机构的签章)与领卡人身份证明及吞没卡卡号一致 D.领卡人所领卡片通过交易密码验证成功的 E.持本人有效身份证件或社会保障卡到营业机构直接领卡 [单项选择]颅底骨折常伴有
A. 张口受限 B. 复视 C. 耳鼻出血 D. 颅面分离 E. 咬合错乱 [判断题]电流互感器和电压互感器的二次回路必须分别有且只能有一点接地。接地点应永久、可靠。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]ATM管理员在现金领用和加钞过程中,应严格执行()。
A. 双人开箱,双人复核,双人清点和双人装钞制度; B. 应严格执行双人押运调拨现金制度; C. 对在行式ATM配钞时,应在录像监控下进行; D. 离行式ATM,应采取更换钞箱方式配款,如不具备更换钞箱条件的,应在营业厅内会计主管监督下配款。 [单项选择]凝胶过滤法测定蛋白质分子量时可用作去污剂的是()。
A. SDS B. β-巯基乙醇 C. 碘乙酸 D. 盐酸胍 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]电动机运行时,电压波动不能超过正负()。
A. 2% B. 3% C. 4% D. 5% [简答题]昆虫在地球上繁盛的原因是什么?
[单选题]关于MAGLUMI X8试剂仓中放入同个项目的试剂盒优先级,下列说法不正确的是( )
A.优先使用剩余测试数不超过5的试剂盒 B.试剂盒的剩余测试数大于5,且左右试剂仓是同批号试剂时,优先使用右试剂仓的试剂盒 C.同一边试剂仓中,放置两盒剩余测试数大于5的不同批号试剂,优先使用批号小的试剂盒 D.同一边试剂仓中,批号相同,优先使用剩余测试数少的试剂盒 E.同一边试剂仓中,批号相同,剩余测试数相同,优先使用试剂仓的右侧的试剂盒 [单项选择]We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming (把……按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils. To the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to de A. made to remain in the same classes B. forced to study in the lower classes C. drawn to their studies D. prevented from advancing [单选题]以下哪项不是急性胃炎的临床表现:
A.上腹痛 B.恶心、呕吐? C.黄疸 D.伴有腹泻 E.呕血及黑便 [单选题]感染性多发性神经根炎的临床表现为( )
A.脑膜刺激征阳性 B.四肢对称无力,进行性加重 C.三偏征 D.阵发性眩晕 [简答题]简述高温大曲定义?
[判断题] 发生公路交通事故,一般单车倾翻、两车或多车相撞有人员被困时,如果条件允许,应先利用无齿锯、扩张器、牵引器、气动切割器、双向异动切割刀、液压剪切器、液压顶杆等工具,破拆牵引变形的车厢外壳,将遇险人员救出,再视情使用牵引器将车体扶正或使两车分离。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]既行气止痛,又温肾散寒的药物是
A.木香 B.甘松 C.佛手 D.青皮 E.乌药 [判断题]商业承兑汇票的持票人在提示付款期内提示付款的,承兑人应在收到提示付款请求之日起3日内(最后一日遇法定节假日、大额支付系统非营业日、电子商业汇票系统非营业日顺延)付款或拒绝付款。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]点验中发现的问题,应当查明情况,妥善处理。对个人私存的公物、涉密载体、管制刀具和淫秽物品等必须予以收缴,并视情给以( )或者( )。
A.行政处分 纪律处分 B.批评教育 警告处分 C.批评教育 处分 [单选题]B型车车体宽度为()m。
A.2.6 B.2.8 C.3.0 D.3.3 [多选题]调动( )时须全部接通软管,并充风至定压。
A.乘坐旅客的车辆 B.客车 C.机械保温车 D.整列空客车底 [判断题]行政复议机构发现行政机关有违反行政复议法规定的行为时,有权依照规定的权限和程序作出处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 反假货币信息系统运行后,假币收缴明细数据的币种中人民币的编码为( )。
A.001 B.002 C.003 D.004 [单项选择]Tom dropped off in front of fire. ( )
A. drop at B. drop away C. doze off D. take off [单选题]心绞痛首选的治疗药物是
A.硝酸异山梨醇 B.硝酸甘油 C.卡托普利 D.哌唑嗪 E.硝苯地平 [判断题]郑州地铁城郊铁路上、下部定位索不得有接头、断股和补强,其安全系数不得小于2.0。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交