When Dave was eighteen, he bought a secondhand car for 200 so that he could travel to and from work more (1) than by bus. It worked quite well for a few years, but then it got so old, and it was costing him (2) much in repairs that he decided that he had better (3) it.
He asked among his friends to see if anyone was particularly (4) to buy a cheap car, but they all knew that it was falling to pieces, so (5) of them had any desire to buy it. Dave’s friend Sam saw that he was (6) when they met one evening, and said, "What’s (7) , Dave"
Dave told him, and Sam answered, "Well, what about advertising it in the paper You may (8) more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!" Thinking that Sam’s (9) was sensible, he put an advertisement in an evening paper, which read "For sale: small car, (10) very little petrol, only two owners.
A. exact
B. suitable
C. early
D. late
In the jungle (丛林) you may get
hopelessly lost within five minutes after starting. That is{{U}} (36)
{{/U}}you should always carry a compass (指南针). In open country, during the
day, you can{{U}} (37) {{/U}}which way to go by studying the{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}. At night, the stars are sure{{U}} (39) {{/U}}to
direction. In most places the jungle rooftop (顶) is so{{U}} (40)
{{/U}}that it is{{U}} (41) {{/U}}to see the sun or the stars.{{U}}
(42) {{/U}}you must check your position by the{{U}} (43)
{{/U}}. Keep watchful (注意的,警惕的). Watch the ground in front of you
carefully.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}and listen now and a gain. Avoid{{U}}
(45) {{/U}}, and rest often. In a place{{U}} (46) {{/U}}is hot
and damp, the person who walks fast will soon become{{U}} (47) {{/U}}. A
steady (稳定的), slow step i A. miss B. find C. make D. lose [单选题]直流输电系统正常运行时,人员进入阀厅巡视走道宜( )。
A. 佩戴护目镜 B. 佩戴耳罩 C. 穿防电弧服 D. 穿防静电服 [单项选择]外阴硬化性苔藓治疗的标准方案是()
A. 2%丙酸睾丸酮凡士林软膏局部涂抹 B. 皮质激素类软膏局部涂抹 C. 红外线理疗 D. 每日坐浴2次 E. 红霉素软膏局部涂抹 [单选题]在职业活动中,( )是为人之本。
A.尊重别人 B.团结互助 C.学识渊博 D.诚实守信 [多选题] 下列情形中,人民警察可以使用驱逐性、制服性警械的是( )。[1分]
A.殴打他人经警告无效的 B.拒不交代违法犯罪事实,经警告无效的 C.袭击人民警察,经警告无效的 D.结伙斗殴,经警告无效的 [判断题]在被告知飞机准备推/退出移动前、起飞前和着落前,客舱乘务组应按规定的程序报告“客舱准备好”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]颅内压增高"三主征"是:①头痛;②呕吐;③颈项强直;④意识障碍;⑤视神经乳头水肿()
A. ①+②+③ B. ①+②+④ C. ①+②+⑤ D. ①+③+④ E. ①+③+⑤ [单选题]SDH/MSTP设备维修项目与周期中,设备地线检查属于机房的( )检修项目。
A.日 B.季 C.半年 D.年 [填空题]抓满物料的抓斗不应悬吊()分钟以上,以防止溜抓伤人。
[单选题]谐波传动的缺点是( )。
A.A.扭转刚度低 B.B.传动侧隙小 C.C.惯量低 D.D.精度高 [判断题]国家安监总局是突发公共事件应急管理工作的最高行政领导机构 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交