Personality is to a large extent inherent——A-type parents usually bring about A-type off-spring. But the environment must also have a (1) effect, since if competition is important to the parents, it is likely to become a (2) factor in the lives of their children.
One place where children (3) A-characteristics is school, which is, by its very nature, a highly competitive institution. Too many schools adopt the ’win at all costs’ moral standard and (4) their success by sporting (5) The current passion for making children compete against their classmates or against the clock produces a two-layer system, in which competitive A-type seem in some way better than their B-type fellows. Being too (6) to win can have dangerous (7) : remember that Pheidippides, the first marathon runner, dropped (8) seconds after saying: "Rejoice, we (9) !"
(10) the worst form of competiti
A. decreased
B. abased
C. lessened
D. degraded
Before the 20th century the horse
provided day to day transportaition in the United States. Trains were used only
for long distance transportation. Today the car is the most popular {{U}} (26) {{/U}} of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely {{U}} (27) {{/U}} the horse as a means f everyday transportation. Americans use their car for {{U}} (28) {{/U}} 90 percent of personal {{U}} (29) {{/U}} Most Americans are able to {{U}} (30) {{/U}} cars. The average price of a {{U}} (31) {{/U}} made car was 2, 050 in 1950, 2, 740 {{U}} (32) {{/U}} 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about {{U}} (33) {{/U}} their products and work efficiency. As a A. on B. in C. behind D. about [多选题]在低压用电设备(如充电桩、路灯、用户终端设备等)上工作,应采用()等形式,口头或电话命令应留有记录。
A.工作票或派工单 B.任务单 C.工作记录 D.口头、电话命令 [多选题]投资组合保险策略在市场变动时的行动方向是()。
A.下降时卖出 B.上升时卖出 C.下降时买入 D.上升时买入 [判断题]应收账款账户借方登记的是应收款项的增加数。 ( )
A.抄表参数未设置 B.抄表任务未设置 C.终端未转运行 D.终端时钟偏差 [单选题]包装成件货物码入托盘时要压缝码牢,托盘承载面积利用率不低于()%。
A.50 B.60 C.70 D.80 [多选题]电力电缆工作前,必须详细核对()后,方可开始工作。
A.电缆名称标示牌是否与工作票所写的符合 B.安全措施正确可靠 C.组织措施完善 D.电缆是否完好 [判断题]张某在网吧内盗窃了李某的一部手机,因手机价格未鉴定,案件暂时无法确定为刑事案件或者行政案件,可以按照行政案件的程序办理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在非化石能源中,约88%以( )形式使用,其余以热力形式使用。
A.风力 B.电力 C.太阳能 D.水力 [不定项选择题]28岁妇女,使用IUD3年来常规检查,阴道检查宫颈口未见尾丝,自诉IUD为TCU型,此次月经干净10天。
A.下次月经干净后3~7天取出 B.继续放置,无需检查 C.取出后更换新的IUD D.定期复查 E.立即取出,暂不再放 [单项选择]每一个工作部门可能有多个矛盾的指令源,这种组织结构是( )组织结构。
A. 线性 B. 职能 C. 矩阵 D. 网络 [简答题]中心锚结绳处于受力状态,不得触及弹性吊索,不得改变相邻吊弦受力和接触线高度。
A. 确认工作必要性和安全性 B. 确认工作票上所列安全措施正确完备 C. 确认所派工作负责人和工作班成员适当、充足 [单选题]在证券组合管理中,组建证券投资组合时,主要是()。
A.对投资过程所确定的金融资产类型中个别证券或证券组合具体特征进行考察分析 B.投资组合的修正和业绩评估 C.确定具体的投资品种和对各种资产的投资比例 D.决定投资目标和可投资资金的数量 [简答题]用轻质耐火粘土砖筑炉膛有何优点?
[单选题]目视盘旋进近须放好起落架、襟翼 ( ) 并保持襟翼机动速度飞行。
A.5 B.15 C.30 [多选题]关于设计成果管理模块中设计成果上传功能,下列描述正确的是()
A.成果包必须为ZIP格式 B.成果包必须为RAR格式 C.成果包内的项目名称需要和全过程系统对应 D.已上传成果包的项目可以进行覆盖上传 [判断题]当事人要求听证的,应当承担行政机关组织听证的费用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《中华人民共和国城市居民委员会组织法》,下列关于社区居民委员会的说法正确的是()。
A. 居民委员会每届任期5年 B. 居民委员会是基层群众性自治组织 C. 居民委员会的规模调整由本*区居民自行决定 D. 基层政府与居民委员会是领导与被领导关系 [多选题]总公司《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》文明服务中要求,对旅客、货主称呼恰当,统称为( )。
A.旅客们 B.同志们 C.各位旅客 D.旅客朋友 我来回答: 提交