A pair of dice, rolled again and again,
will eventually produce two sixes. Similarly, the virus that causes influenza is
constantly changing at random and, one day, will mutate in a way that will
enable it to infect billions of people, and to kill millions. Many experts now
believe a global outbreak of pandemic flu is overdue, and that the next one
could be as bad as the one in 1918, which killed somewhere between 25m and 50m
peo-pie. Today however, advances in medicine offer real hope that another such
outbreak can be contained—if governments start preparing now. New research published this week suggests that a relatively small stockpile of an anti-viral drug—as little as 3m doses—could be enough to limit sharply a flu pandemic if the drugs were deployed quickly to people in the area surrounding the initial outbreak. The drug’s manu A. The World Must Prepare for Pandemic Influenza B. Similar Episodes of Initial Outbreak Are Always Evasive to Laymen C. The Government Should Take Lead in the Prevention of Pandemic Influenza D. The World Health Organization Must Authorize the Relevant Rescue System as Is Discussed in the Text [单项选择]百日咳最常见的并发症()
A. 肺不张 B. 支气管肺炎 C. 百日咳脑病 D. 肺气肿 E. 皮下气肿 [单项选择]某派出所合同制民警石某在夜间巡逻,看阮某形迹可疑,怀疑其为小偷,即把其叫到所里讯问。阮某否认偷了东西,石某便把阮某捆起来毒打,迫使其招认,结果造成阮某伤残。张某的行为构成何种犯罪
A. 非法拘禁罪 B. 刑讯逼供罪 C. 故意伤害罪 D. 刑讯逼供罪和故意伤害罪 [单选题]正线列车回厂洗车作业首先按列车 方式办理,列车在D2信号机前道停车后,再按( )方式办理进入洗车线洗车。
A.调车 B.列车 C.洗车 D.转轨 [判断题]风管不得弯成直角,风管遭受挤压或损坏时,应立即停止使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电渣压力焊的焊接过程包括三个阶段:引弧过程,电弧过程和电渣过程。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]子宫颈癌的转移途径有哪些?
[单项选择]某进口机械制造设备若按人民币计算,其离岸价为1000万元,到岸价为1100万元,银行手续费为5万元,进口关税为160万元,消费税为零,增值税税率为15%,则其增值税额为( )。
A. 174.75万元 B. 189.75万元 C. 189万元 D. 174万元 [单选题]换长是车辆的( )标记(铁道概论)
A.特殊 B.运用 C.长度 D.检修 [多项选择]按我国项目建设程序要求,项目可行性研究在论证项目必要性和作用的基础上,进一步分析论证拟建项目的( )。
A. 区域性贡献 B. 技术可行性 C. 经济合理性 D. 社会与环境影响 E. 施工准备的落实 [判断题]表冷、冷冻等水气管路应保持畅通、不堵、不漏。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]消防救援人员必须( )。
A.举止端正 B.谈吐文明 C.精神振作 D.姿态良好 [填空题]生焦贮运系统顺序控制:当流程中任一设备故障,或现场操作柱按下急停按钮,或拉动带式输送机的拉绳开关时,该设备及上游设备( )停车,其下游设备( )停车。
A. 武装力量建设 B. 边、海、空、人防及战场建设 C. 国防科技建设 D. 国防工业建设 [简答题]引导手信号显示及收回时机?
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