We all believe that modem technology can make life
better because it makes everything faster. But by (11)
everything up,we suffer losses we have not yet learnt to know. Our day
begins with speedy urges:the alarm rings and you jump (12)
bed,You take a quick shower. Then you wake the kids and 13
them through breakfast so they won’t miss the bus. At the dining
table,you swallow some slices of bread with a cup of tea. When everything
(14) ,you hurry to the car,thinking of the things you would buy
from the supermarket on the way (15) . Driving 20 minutes in
the busy traffic,you reach your workplace,rushing into the building and
(16) up the stairs three at a time,arriving at your desk with
seconds to spare. You take (17) deep breaths. Then,you
instantly remember that A. look B. break C. rush D. see [单选题]TB/T 2658.21-2007标准规定,轨头部位双探头探伤时,灵敏度校准应使用( )。
A.GHT-1a B.GHT-1b C.GHT-5(A区) D.GHT-5(B区) [单选题]《重点时段旅客运输组织办法》中规定:运能调配按照( )的原则。
A.“先变能、后扩能、再加线” B.“先重点、后团体、再一般” C.“先始发、后中间,先长途、后短途” D.“先中转、后始发” [判断题]在施工中发生危及人身安全的紧急情况时,作业人员有权立即停止作业或者在采取必要的应急措施后撤离危险区域。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]货运汽车的火灾原因有哪些?
A. 多数病程迁延 B. 骨髓幼稚型巨核细胞增多 C. 多见于成人 D. 多见于女性 E. 无感染病史 [多选题]消防员在进行现场供水作业时,需要注意()。
A.应缓慢加压,保持水压平稳,不得突然加压、超压供水 B.紧急情况下提前供水时,水头应与铺设线路的人员保持2根水带以上的安全距离 C.水泵出口、分水器、水枪等不得急开急关,防止水锤作用伤人 D.水带铺设应平直、沿路边设置,跨越道路时应设置水带护桥 E.参战人员不得站立于打圈水带之间,不得缠绕身体 [单选题]【单选题】临氢系统氢气引入时,应()。
A.启动增压压缩机 B.缓慢地进行,同时随着氢气的引进流程加强现场检查 C.在短时间内全开氢气界区阀门而快速地进行 [单选题]检修发电机、同期调相机,待发电机和同期调相机完全停止后,在其操作把手、按钮和机组的启动装置、励磁装置、同期并车装置、盘车装置的操作把手上悬挂()的标示牌。
A.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” B. “禁止合闸,线路有人工作!” C. “禁止分闸!” D. “在此工作!” [单选题]用万用表对两直流系统定相时所测得的相同相的电压数值分别是(____)。
A.220、110 B.110、110 C.220、0 D.110、0 [判断题]在抢修作业现场设置安全围栏、车辆警示标识,夜间还要设置警示灯;禁止车辆、行人进入工作现场。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]腰椎间盘突出症较少出现的症状是:()
A. 腰腿痛 B. 马尾神经受损症状 C. 间歇性跛行 D. 下肢麻木 E. 患肢发凉 [判断题]吊篮脚手架一般在空中作业,不易形成回路,其电气设备不必要做接零和安装漏电保护装置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列说法中符合文意的是哪一项( )
A. 现代化信息传输技术的发展与速度无关 B. 报道国外信息高速公路发展状况对我国有益无害 C. 我国信息基础设施的建设是在借鉴国外先进经验,吸取国外教训的基础上进行的 D. 只要新闻媒介做到尽职尽责,对世界上信息基础设施的宣传就会实事求是 [判断题]圬工桥隧建筑物现在常用的是冷防水层。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854.Nurseries were established in various areas during the (62) half of the 19th century;most of (63) were charitable.Both in Europe and in the U.S., the day—nursery movement received great (64) during the First World War, when (65) of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented(前所未有)numbers of women.In some European countries nurseries were established (66) in munitions(军火) plants, under direct government sponsorship. (67) the number of nurseries in the U.S.also rose (68) , this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind.During the years following the First World War, (69) , federal, State, and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control (70) the day nurseries, chiefly by (71) them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries.
The (72) of the Se A. unanimously B. sharply C. predominantly D. militantly [单选题]当机车车辆在尽头线处脱轨进行起复作业时,应采用( )型复轨器。
A.人字 B.海参 C.端面 [单项选择]HZT-2000型静态自检值中,第三低于第二值或接近零表示()。
A. 通道隔离板故障,也可能是干扰造成的 B. 该探头的噪声超标 C. 保护门可能长开不关 D. 探头的保护门可能未打开或被异物遮挡,此时一侧波形值应接近为零 我来回答: 提交