We can make mistakes at any age. Some
mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. "Did Jerry
really care when I broke up with Helen " "When I got that great job, did Jim
really feel good about it, as a friend Or did he envy my luck " When we look
back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it’s too
late. Why do we go wrong about our friends, or our enemies Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don’t really listen we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, "You’re a lucky dog." That’s friendly. But "lucky dog" There is a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn’t see it himself. But mentioning the "dog" puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn’t think you ought to have your luck. "Just think o A. notice the way the person is talking B. take a good look at the person talking C. mind his tone, his posture and the look in his eyes D. examine the real meaning of what he says based on his manner, his tone and his posture [简答题]简述血小板保存及输注特点。
[判断题] 灭火作战过程中,应根据火场实际情况和作战任务的需要恰当运用自然排烟法、人工排烟法、电排烟或机械排烟法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Find a user group in your area and attend a meeting to learn how to use our products more ______.
A. effectively B. profusely C. increasingly D. fluently [单选题]化学反应器的分类方式很多,按( )的不同可分为管式.釜式.塔式.固定床.流化床等
A.聚集状态 B.换热条件 C.结构 D.操作方式 [单项选择]下列疾病毛细血管脆性试验表现为阴性的是()。
A. 遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症 B. 过敏性紫癜 C. 单纯性紫癜 D. 血友病 E. 血管性血友病 [多选题]金融机构聘用人员时,应对聘用对象提出必要的( )及其他个人素质标准要求,看其是否具备履行所在岗位反洗钱职责所需的基本能力。
A.职业道德 B.资质 C.经验 D.专业素质 [判断题]地下有限空间救援中,存在坍塌风险的井壁或横向救生通道,应采取可靠的支撑加固措施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]甲亢病人甲状腺激素分泌过多证候群包括
A. 心悸、脉压增宽 B. 食欲亢进、多食消瘦 C. 多有慢性甲亢性肌病 D. 促进物质代谢,产热散热增加 E. 急躁易怒,可有手、舌、眼震颤 [单选题]环境影响评价工程师职业资格实行定期登记制度,登记有效期为(),有效期满前,应按有关规定办理再次登记。
A.1年 B.2年 C.3年 D.5年 [单选题]陈先生,胃癌晚期,近日病情加重,常抱怨家属照顾欠周到 要求停止治疗,此病人心理反应属于:( )
A.否认期 B.愤怒期 C.协议期 D.优郁期 E.接受期 我来回答: 提交