When I became president of the
University of Michigan, affirmative action in higher education was under siege.
Buoyed by a successful lawsuit against the University of Texas law school’s
admission policy and by ballot initiatives such as California’s Proposition 209,
which outlawed race as a factor in college admissions, the opponents set their
sights on affirmative-action programs at college across the country. The rumor that Michigan would be the next target in this campaign turned out to be correct. I believed strongly that we had no choice but to mount the best legal defense ever for diversity in higher education and take special efforts to explain this complex issue, in simple and direct language, to the American public. There are many mispereeptions about how race and ethnieity are considered in college admissions. Competitive colleges and universi A. explanative B. descriptive C. argumentative D. narrative [单项选择] 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 {{B}}第一篇{{/B}}