Classic Intention Movement
In social situations, the classic Intention Movement is
"the chair-grasp". Host and guest have been talking
for some time, but now the host has an appointment
to keep and can get away. His urge to go is(1)
held in check by his desire not be rude to his guest.(2)
If he did not care of his guest's feelings he would(3)
simply get up out of his chair and to announce his(4)
departure. This is what his body wants to do, therefore(5)
his politeness glues his body to the chair and refuses
to let him raise. It is at this point that he(6)
performs the chair-grasp Intention Movement. He continues
to talk to the guest and listen to him, but leans forward
and grasps the arms of the chair as about to push(7)
himself upwards. This is the first act he would
make if he were rising. If he were not hesitating, (8)
it would only last
A modern supermarket can be divided
into three main sections: the entrance-exit area (including checkstands), the
space along the four walls, and the central area that consists of long rows of
two-sided shelves with aisles between them. The entrance of a supermarket always leads customers directly to the shopping carts and shopping baskets. Sometimes it is impossible to leave through the entrance because the automatic doors open only one way or because there is a turnstile inside the market that moves in one direction only. The walls near the entrance and exit are reserved for large and heavy items, so that customers can pick up these kinds of items on their way out. Ordinarily the back wall of a supermarket is reserved for meats. The meats are always arranged according to kind. Poultry, such as chicken and turkey, is in one part of the A. an automatic door that opens only one way B. a revolving gate that lets out one person at a time C. a revolving gate that admits one person at a time D. a checkstand where customers can either pay with cash or pay by check [单项选择]营运服务前,应()对车辆及附属设施进行全面细致地检查。
A. 七天 B. 三天 C. 每天 D. 每月 [多项选择]10(6)kV配电所、变电所的高压及低压母线宜采用( )。当供电连续性要求很高时,高压母线可采用分段单母线带旁路母线或双母线的接线。
A. 单母线 B. 分段单母线 C. 分段单母线带旁路 D. 双母线 [简答题]某项目在前期分析决策阶段,组织专家对项目的3个备选建设方案进行了逐一分析,发现三个方案在经济效益和环境效益方面各有优势,考虑到政府对项目核准采取环境影响评价“一票否决”制度,项目需要分别对3个方案的经济效益和环境效益进行综合评价。表2-1、表2-2给出了3个备选方案的各项指标因素得分及权重。 表2-1 方案经济效益评价表