Consumers and producers obviously make
decisions that mold the economy, but there is a third major (61)
to consider the role of government. Government has a powerful
(62) on the economy in at least four ways: Direct Services. The postal system, for example, is a federal system (63) the entire nation, as is the large and complex establishment. Conversely the construction and (64) of most highways, the (65) of the individual states, and the public educational systems, despite a large funding role by the federal government, are primarily (66) for by country or city governments. Police and fire protection and sanitation (67) are also the responsibilities of local government. Regulation and Control. The government regulates and controls private (68) in, many ways, for the (69) A. fairly B. unfairly C. friendly D. unnecessarily [单选题]CRH1型动车组制动作用的种类:常用制动、紧急制动、安全制动、停放制动、保持制动、救援/回送制动、防冰制动。
A.正确 B.错误 C.a.磁轨制动 D.b.辅助制动 E.c.耐雪制动 [单项选择]下列不属于承包人应完成的工作是()。
A. 根据发包人委托,在其设计资质等级和业务允许的范围内,完成施工图设计或与工程配套的设计 B. 办理施工许可证 C. 根据工程需要,提供和维修非夜间施工使用的照明.围栏设施,并负责安全保卫 D. 保证施工现场的清洁符合环境卫生管理的有关规定 [单项选择]其治疗主方为:
A. 小青龙汤 B. 定喘汤 C. 麻黄汤 D. 麻杏石甘汤 E. 射干麻黄汤 [判断题]PE线及N线上严禁装设开关或熔断器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]HBV感染进入后期与传染减低的指标是()。
A. HBsAg(+) B. 抗—HBs(+) C. HBeAg(+) D. 抗—HBc(+) E. 抗—HBe(+) [单项选择]
有以下程序 A. 45 B. 50 C. 60 D. 55 [单选题]配电终端更换硬件、升级软件时,应记录相关参数,更换或升级后,应恢复原参数设置,并经测试无误后方可投入运行。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]非正常情况下接发列车时停站信号显示地点为()
A.站台头端墙处 B.站台尾端墙 C.来车方向站台门端门外 D.现场安全区域 [单项选择]鲨鱼袭击落水者,在南半球常发生在()
A. 1月 B. 7月 C. 10月 [填空题]给水里溶解的氧气,对热力设备造成的氧腐蚀,通常发生在()。
Software architecture reconstruction is an interpretive, interactive, and iterative process including many activities. (1) involves analyzing a system's existing design and implementation artifacts to construct a model of it. The result is used in the following activities to construct a view of the system. The database construction activity converts the (2) contained in the view into a standard format for storage in a database. The (3) activity involves defining and manipulating the information stored in database to reconcile, augment, and establish connections between the elements. Reconstruction consists of two primary activities: (4) and (5). The former provides a mechanism for the user to manipulate architectural elements, and the latter provides facilities for architecture reconstruction. 空白(1)处应选择()A. Reverse engineering B. Information extraction C. Requirements analysis D. Sourcecode analysis [多选题]实际反应器内物料的流动状况均不符合理想流动状况,可能引起非理想流动现象的原因有()
A.流体流速分布的不均匀 B.存在沟流和短路 C.反应物料的浓度不同 D.反应物料的温度不同 [多选题]我行经济资本的计量范围包括( )。
A.信用风险 B.操作风险 C.市场风险 D.声誉风险 [单项选择]试车介质应执行设计文件的规定,若无特殊规定,泵、搅拌器宜以()为介质,压缩机、风机宜以空气或()为介质。
A. 水;氧气 B. 氮气;水 C. 水;氮气 D. 水;二氧化碳 [判断题]对于低效益的企业,计划检修停电,不用提前通知客户。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]一个掘进工作面,使用两台局部通风机通风。两台局部通风机都必须同时实现风电闭锁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在我国取消尊孔读经的制度,开始于()。
A. 《壬戌学制》 B. 《壬寅学制》 C. 《癸卯学制》 D. 《壬子·癸丑学制》 [多项选择]客户预计出现较高的净结余,则意味着()。
A. 客户的总资产与净资产将同时得到提高 B. 负债相对缩小 C. 客户的清偿比率降低 D. 财务状况趋好 E. 财务状况恶化 [单选题]关于项目管理工作任务分工表特点的说法,正确的是( )。
A.每一个任务只能有一个主办部门 B.每一个任务只能有一个协办部门和一个配合部门 C.项目运营部应在项目竣工后介入工作 D.项目管理工作任务分工表要应作为组织设计文件的一部分 [单项选择]在下列桥梁类型中,在跨径相同的情况下哪种桥梁跨中弯矩最大。()
A. 拱式桥 B. 梁式桥 C. 吊桥 D. 刚架桥 我来回答: 提交