设置相关属性,实现窗体对象(名为“fTest”)上的记录数据不允许添加的操作(消除新记录行)。年轻未婚客户的个人资产负债表 日期:2007年6月30日 客户姓名:方小姐 | |||
资产 | 金额(人民币元) | 负债 | 金额(人民币元) |
现金 | 2850 | 应付遁信费 | 700 |
银行活期存款 | 27350 | 应付房租 | 5000 |
银行定期存款 | 38000 | 教育贷款 | 35000 |
其他个人资产 | 12400 | ||
资产总计 | 80600 | 负债总计 | 40700 |
净资产 | 39900 | ||
资产总计 | 80600 | 负债与净资产总计 | 80600 |
年轻未婚客户的现金流量表 日期:20 A. 49.5% B. 50.5% C. 7.07% D. 102.01% [单选题] 在系统启动过程中,根据提示键入__( )___,系统将中断引导,进入BootROM 模式。
A. B. C. D. * 这题属于记忆性的题目,选 B。 [判断题]串接电路中的卫星电路宜为1段,最多不得超过2段
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对于己发布预警通知,但不能按计划作业的,可( ),并通知相关单位(部门)。
A. 解除预警 B. 暂时解除预警 C. 发布预警 D. 重新发布预警 [单选题]控制电缆的编号"2UYH"表示该电缆归属于()
A.220kVII段电压互感器间隔 B.35kVII段母线间隔 C.35kVll段电压互感器间隔 [单项选择]蛇串疮好发于()
A. 胸胁 B. 臀部 C. 手 D. 足 E. 头面 [多选题]电子酸碱测试仪的维护保养表述正确的是( )(中)
A.电极测量时,应先将其在蒸馏水中洗净,并用滤纸吸干水分,防止杂质带进被测液中 B.接线端子处如有玷污,请用无水酒精擦拭,吹干后使用; C.电极就避免长期浸泡在蒸馏水或蛋白质溶液中,并防止与有机硅油脂接触; D.电极清洗周期建议用户每周对电极进行清洗一次以及配合仪器校正; [判断题]依据我国相关法律规定,企业法律顾问必须参加企业法律顾问协会,接受协会的自律性监管。 ( )
A. 运算器和控制器 B. 运算器和ROM C. RAM和定时器 D. 控制器和译码器 [填空题]水痘隔离至_________。
[单项选择]当相关系数为正值时,表明两种资产收益率呈( )。
A. 同方向同比例变化 B. 反方向变化 C. 同方向不同比例变化 D. 同方向变化 [简答题]影响归因的因素?
A. 支气管肺炎 B. 心肌炎 C. 喉炎 D. 脑炎 E. 营养不良 [填空题]伙食管理五项制度是:()、()、()、()、()。
A. 畸形愈合 B. 筋膜室综合征 C. 感染 D. 休克 E. 股骨头坏死 [单项选择]下列关于染色体组的概念,错误的是()
A. 卵细胞或精子中的所有染色体 B. 一个染色体组中无形态、大小、结构相同的染色体 C. 不同生物的染色体组内染色体的数目、形态、大小不同 D. 二倍体生物配子中的全部染色体 [判断题]支设高度小于3米的柱模板时,可使用马凳操作
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Making of a Success Story
1 .IKEA is the world's largest furniture retailer,and the man behind it is Ingvar Kamprad,one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs.Born in Sweden in 1926,Kamprad was a natural business man.As a child,he enjoyed selling things and made small profits from selling matches,seeds and pencils in his community.When Kamprad was 17,his father gave him some money as a reward for his good grades.Naturally he used it to start up a business一IKE A. 2 .IKEA's name comes form Kamprads'initials(I.K.)and the place where he grew up (E and A).Today IKEA is known for its modern,minimalist furniture,but it was not a furniture company in the beginning.Rather,IKEA sold all kinds of miscellaneous goods. Kamprad's wares included anything that he could sell for profits at low prices,including watches,pens and stockings. 3 .IKEA first began to sell furniture through a mail-order catalogue in 1947.the furniture was all designed and made by manufactures near Kamprad's home.Initial sales were very encouraging,so Kamprad expanded the product line.Furniture was such a successful aspect of the business that IKEA became solely a furniture company in 1951. 4 .In 1953 IKEA opened its first showroom in Almhult,Sweden.IKEA is known today for its spacious stress with furniture in attractive settings,but in the early 1950s, people ordered from catalogues.Thus response to the first showroom was overwhelming:people loved being able to see and try the furniture before buying it.This led to increased sales and the company continued to thrive.By 1955,IKEA was designing all its own furniture. 5 .In 1956 Kamprad saw a man disassembling a table to make it easier to transport.Kamprad was inspired.The man had given him a great idea:flat packaging.Flat packaging would mean lower shipping costs for IKEA and lower prices for customers.IKEA tried it and sales soared.The problem was that people had to assemble furniture themselves,but over time, even this grew into an advantage for IKE A.Nowadays,IKEA is often seen as having conno-tations of self-sufficiency.This image has done wonders for the company,leading to better sales and continued expansion. 6 .Today there are over 200 stores in 32 countries.Amazingly,Ingvar Kamprad has man-aged to keep IKEA a privately-held company.In 2004 he was named the world's richest man.He currently lives in Switzerland and is retired from the day-today operations of IKE A.IKEA itself,though,just keeps on growing. As flat packaging saves money for both IKEA and the customers,______. A.IKEA began as a small store'selling all kinds of things of low prices B.it is highly welcomed by both C.Ingvar Kamprad showed interest in and talent for doing business D.he lives happily in retirement E.Here they can see and and try the furniture they are going to buy F.Ingvar successfully manages the company all by himself [多选题]配电网络导线和电缆的选择一般按照( )原则进行。
A.发热条件 B.机械强度条件 C.允许电压损失 D.经济电流密度 [单选题]熔丝熔断时,应更换()。
A.熔丝 B.相同容量熔丝 C.大容量熔丝 D.小容量熔丝 [多项选择]第三方出口的缺点()
A. NAT方式,质量不稳定 B. 影响内容调度及LBS等相关应用 C. 第三方属于非正常互通链路,被电信联通管控风险大 D. 故障定位复杂 [判断题]设区的市和县(市、区)人民政府应当明确安全生产应急救援指挥机构,具体承担本行政区域内应急救援指挥、应急值守、应急演练、应急信息化建设、重大危险源监控管理等工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]应急广播系统在民用建筑中,扬声器功率不小于( )。
A.1W B.3W C.5W D.10W 我来回答: 提交