Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts so that people can live and grow food. Even so, more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time.
Why Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth. Some people on the earth do not get very much rain. Yet, they still do not become deserts. This is because there are some small green plants growing there. Plants help keep water in the earth. Plants do not let the wind blow the dirt away. Without plants, the land can become a desert much more easily.
A man decides to make a farm in a very dry place. He digs in the earth and takes away the grass and plants that are already growing on the dry land.
He makes a farm. He puts plants in rows. The sun is very hot. It makes the land even drier. When the rain comes, it runs between the rows of plants. It washes the good dirt away. When the wind comes, it blows between
A. it is bad to plant in rows in a dry place
B. it is better to raise animals on dry land than to make a farm
C. it is bad to make a farm in a dry place, but it is good to raise animals there
D. all lands that don't get very much rain are deserts
Nick was tired of life. Every day was
exactly the same. "What I need is a little adventure!" Nick thought as he waited at the bus stop one morning. Nick’s little adventure happened sooner than he had expected! While he was on the bus, reading his newspaper, the man sitting next to him suddenly pushed a large brown envelope in his hands. "Here, take this!" he murmured. Then he stood up and got off the bus before Nick could say a word. Nick sat There holding the envelope. It felt heavy. There were papers inside, or money perhaps. "I’d better hand it over to the police." He thought. There was a police station close to his office. But as he got off the bus, a man came up to him. He was obviously waiting for something. "He wants the envelope." Nick thought. Nick began to walk quickly and the man hurried after him. Nick starte A. very pleasant B. very easy C. full of amusement D. interesting [单选题]摆式转向架上拉杆托架滚轴上的开口销规格为( ),开口销须卷起贴靠滚轴。
A.φ2.2mm×20mm B.φ3.2mm×20mm C.φ2.2mm×30mm D.φ3.2mm×30mm [多选题]TYJL-Ⅱ型计算机联锁的信息采集,驱动应符合( )要求
A.采集、驱动板每块有32个采集、驱动点,每个I/O板最多控制8个采集或驱动板。 B.采集电路采集设备状态时,采集点与采集地的直流电压应大于10V。 C.驱动单元的驱动信号端与驱动回线,有驱动信息时,驱动电压应为频率6Hz、7V左右脉动电压。 D.驱动DTB-4动态,驱动单元使JWXC-1700型继电器励磁吸起。 [单选题]( )是马克思主义的本质属性,党的理论是来自人民、为了人民、造福人民的理论,人民的创造性实践是理论创新的不竭源泉。
* A.群众性 B.人民性 C.阶级性 D.社会性 [单项选择]智慧城市建设的总体框架一般包括:五大平台、六个中心、五类应用、六大工程等。其中的五类应用包括:()、经济系统、经济运行、社会服务和城市基础设施运行等。
A. 文化产业 B. 电子商务 C. 电子政务 D. 医疗服务 [多选题]TG328B型分析天平称量前应检查()项目以确定天平是否正常。
A.天平是否处于水平位置 B.吊耳、圈码等是否脱落 C.天平内部是否清洁 D.有没有进行上一次称量的登记 [单选题]树枝接触或接近高压带电导线时,应将高压线路停电或用( )使树枝远离带电导线至安全距离。此前严禁人体接触树木。
A.绳索 B.干燥的毛竹 C.绝缘工具 D.工具 [填空题]为了挂钩方便,要求吊钩能绕()轴线灵活地转动。
[单选题]《供电营业规则》规定:窃电者除应按所窃电量补交电费外,还应承担补交电费( )的违约使用电费。
A.A.2倍 B.B.3倍 C.C.4倍 D.D.5倍 [单选题]不属于氟喹诺酮类的药物是
A.小檗碱 B.莫西沙星 C.环丙沙星 D.依诺沙星 E.诺氟沙星 [单选题]推土机变速操纵阀不到位,或回位弹簧断裂容易造成( )。
A.系统压力升高 B.系统压力不足 C.挂档后反应快 D.挂档后反应慢 [单项选择]下列霍乱休克抢救中哪项措施是错误的()
A. 尽快补充液体及电解质,扩容治疗 B. 大量应用缩血管性血管活性药物是升血压的关键 C. 必要时加用氢化可的松 D. 及时补充钾离子 E. 急性肺水肿心力衰竭者用强心剂毛花苷 [判断题]一级动火工作票由申请动火的动火工作票签发人签发,安监负责人、消防管理负责人审核,分管生产的领导或技术负责人(总工程师)批准,必要时还应报当地公安消防部门批准。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]线路曲线正矢,每季应至少全面检查1次。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]排队软叫号系统上线后实现了微信和手机银行的扫码取号功能,而新增的排队叫号APP是只支持( )取号方式。
A.刷卡 B.刷身份证 C.人脸识别 D.手机扫码 [单项选择]同一的两片预制预应力混凝土简支梁的浇筑日期及预加应力的龄期相差应满足下列哪个要求().
A. 不应超过6天 B. 不应超过7天 C. 不应超过10天 [单项选择]什么时候我国第一次授予文学博士学位()
A. 1980 B. 1981 C. 1982 D. 1983 [单选题]煤气、液化石油气大量泄漏的隔离距离是( )米。
A.100 B.200 C.300 D.800 [多选题]下列物质中,属于有毒气体的是( )。
A.一氧化碳 B.二氧化碳 C.一氧化氮 D.二氯甲烷 [单选题]TFDS动态检车员对缓冲器检测质量标准是()。
A.无破损 B.无裂损 C.无折断 D.无丢失 [多选题]在业务训练过程中安全员的职责是( )
A.对训练场地、设施、器材进行检查、测试 B.督促落实训练中各项安全保护措施 C.及时制止训练中不安全隐患苗头 D.根据训练可能产生的安全风险, 实施安全警戒 [单项选择]泡沫灭火器扑救()的火灾,其效果最好。
A. 油类 B. 化学药品 C. 可燃气体 D. 电气设备 [单项选择]男性,28岁。胸部外伤致右侧第5肋骨骨折并发气胸,呼吸极度困难,发绀,出冷汗。检查:血压10.6/8kPa(80/60mmHg),气管向左侧移位,右胸廓饱满,叩诊呈鼓音,呼吸音消失,颈胸部有广泛皮下气肿等。医生采用闭式胸膜腔引流治疗。搬动此病人时应()
A. 保持引流通畅 B. 保持引流瓶直立 C. 嘱病人屏住呼吸 D. 用两把止血钳夹闭引流管 E. 注意观察引流液排出情况 [不定项选择题]A.一级预防
A.二级预防 B.三级预防 C.病因预防 D.预防并发症 E.医院护士指导脑卒中患者进行功能锻炼属于 [判断题]判断题.120km/h以上的区段禁止利用列车间隔使用小车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]120km/h及以下运行区段,锚段长度在800m及以下的承力索接头的数量限界值不得超过( )。
A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 [判断题]林状回波的来源是工作中的密集缺陷
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) 工作机车、铁路救援起重机、大型养路机械禁止溜放。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电力电缆故障产生的主要原因有()等。
A.绝缘老化; B.过电压; C.绝缘受潮; D.机械损伤 [单选题]外科急腹症的特点是( )
A. 先腹痛,后发热、呕吐 B. 排便后腹痛可好转 C. 有停经和阴道流血史 D. 常伴腹泻、心悸等症状 E. 腹部压痛不明显 我来回答: 提交