Just a few years ago, a graduate from
Brown University medical school had just an inkling about how to care for
the elderly. Now, Brown and other U. S. medical schools are plugging geriatric
(老年) courses into their curricula. The U.S. Census Bureau projects the number of elderly Americans will nearly double to 71 million by 2030. The first members of the Baby Boomer generation, so named for the explosion in births in the years after World War Two, turn 65 in three years. In addition, people are living longer than ever. "The first ripples of the silver tsunami are lapping at the shores of our country, but there is not a coordinated or strategic response taking place in America," said Richard Besdine, who is direetor of the geriatrics division at Brown University medical school in Providence. Geriatries has never b A. The large amount of the elderly has created a big problem in America. B. The number of the elderly has been growing beyond the capacity of America. C. America is not ready to cope with the growing number of the elderly. D. America is not the ideal place for the elderly to spend the rest of their lives. [单选题]结构实体钢筋保护层厚度的检验,当采用非破损方法检验时,所使用的检测仪器应( ),检测操作应符合相应规程的规定。(GB50204—2015《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》E.0.3)
A.A.经对比校正 B.B.经过计量检验 C.C.自检合格 D.D.具有合格证书 [多选题]在对岩心进行岩性描述时,常见的碳酸盐岩构造特征有( )。
A.生物痕迹 B.叠层石 C.缝合线 D.鸟眼 [单项选择]原发性醛固酮增多症出现的代谢紊乱为
A. 高血浆肾素 B. 低尿钾 C. 尿钾排出增加 D. 高血钾 E. 血醛固酮水平降低 [判断题]培训项目经费管理实行综合定额标准和分项费用标准双控模式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]第一、二种工作票的有效时间以( )为限,延期应办理手续。
A.检修工作结束 B.批准的检修计划工作时间 C.结束工作任务 [单选题]运营桥梁墩台明挖基础和沉井基础的基底埋置深度:无冲刷处或设有铺砌防护时,在地面下不小于()m。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]烘箱干燥样品时,将样品去盖后放入温度100±1℃的烘箱内,自温度回升至100℃时算起,烘2h。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 属于控制电器的是( )。
A.熔断器 B.接触器 C.刀开关 [填空题]膨胀阀进口管上结霜的原因是:进口管堵塞或是()堵塞。
A.中成药 B.中药提取物及其制剂 C.天然药物的提取物及其制剂 D.中药饮片 E.中药人工制成品 [多选题]各种警示牌用( )构成不同情况,表示剧毒、爆炸、燃烧、泄露等。
A. 文字 B. 图形 C. 颜色 D. 标识 [单选题]小型客车重大节假日减免通行费政策从哪年开始实施的( )。
A.2011 B.2012 C.2013 D.2014 [多项选择]用于生产罐头的容器主要有()。
A. 金属罐 B. 玻璃罐 C. 塑料罐 D. 软罐 [单项选择]在对交易的记录中,以下()最好地描述了费用账户与损失账户之间的区别。
A. 损失是收入中的非常费用,而费用则是正常的那一部分 B. 损失是重要的项目,而费用则是非重要的项目 C. 费用是与收入相关的成本,而损失则不是 D. 费用总是可以避免的,而损失则是无法避免的 [多选题]ZPW-2000A无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统小轨道继电器执行条件电压应( )合格。
A.18V B.19V C.20V D.24V [判断题]车辆行驶中应尽量避免突然加速或减速。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于国务院反垄断执法机构对经营者集中进行审查的说法正确的有、()
A.分为初步审查和进一步审查两个阶段,申报经营者在两个阶段均不得集中 B.初步审查主要是决定是否进一步审查,审查期间为30日 C.进一步审查须作出是否禁止经营者集中的书面决定,审查期间为90日 D.可以将禁止经营者集中的决定向社会公布 [单选题]轨道车的功率系指发动机的装车功率,即由使用环境和条件决定的( )。
A. 最大功率 B. 牵引力 C. 最小功率 D. 牵引特性 [单项选择]This is for people who are interested in adopting a low-fat lifestyle or for those who are already living a low-fat lifestyle.
My husband and I (47) consume 2040 grams of fat each day. I (48) grams of fat rather than calculate the percentage of fat/calories because I find it much (49) and less complicated. Our daily fat percentage of calories (50) from 10% to 20%. Today we have lost a (51) amount of weight and we are very healthy and full of energy.
Living a low-fat lifestyle is not (52) , it just takes a little organization and a commitment to change the way you eat as a lifestyle change, not as adieu. The problem with a diet is that when you think about (53) on a diet, you think of it as having a beginning and an end. The (54) is the problem. I have been on (55) diets in my lifetime and lost more weight than I care to think about, only to gain it all back in less time than it took to lose it! Making a (56) to living a low-fat lifestyle for the rest of your
[单选题]Y/△一11接线的变压器△侧发生两相短路时,Y侧有一相电流比另外两相电流大,该相是( )。
A.同名故障相中的超前相 B.同名故障相中的滞后相 C.同名的非故障相 [单项选择]有助于明确症状性癫痫病因的检查是()
A. 脑血流图 B. 脑脊液检查 C. 脑MRI D. 脑电图 E. 免疫学检查 [判断题]道依茨发动机长时间停放,在起动前应按照油标尺的线刻度检查机油油面。错( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]申请个人经营贷款,借款人需要提供一定的担保措施,其方式有()。
A.抵押 B.保证 C.留置 D.定金 E.质押 [多项选择]商业银行市场风险可以分为()。
A. 利率风险 B. 汇率风险(包括黄金) C. 股票价格风险 D. 商品价格风险 [判断题]犯罪原因的具体内容永远处于不变的过程中。
[填空题]Visual Basic 6.0分为3种版本,这3种版本是______、______和______。其中,最完整的是______。
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