There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. Information in long-term memory can be remembered at a later time when it is needed. The information may be kept for days or weeks. However, information in short-term memory is kept for only a few seconds, usually by repeating the information over and over. The following experiment shows how short-term memory has been studied.
Henning studied how students who are learning English as a second language remember vocabulary. The subjects in his experiment were 75 college students. They represented all levels of ability in English: beginning, intermediate, and native-speaking students.
To begin, the subjects listened to a recording of a native speaker reading a paragraph in English. Following the recording, the subjects took a 15-question test to see which words they remembered. Each question had four choices. The subjects had to circle the word they had heard in the recording. Some of the questions had four choi
A. Information in short-term memory is different from that in long-term memory.
B. Long-term memory can be achieved only by training.
C. It is easier to test short-term memory than long-term memory.
D. Henning gave a separate test on vocabulary to his students.
请根据下面短文回答题: The trip to the Mystery Caves will take place on Sunday, 27 July. You can book your tickets in Room 188 between 2:30 p.m. every day. Your parents should confirm (确 认) the booking by writing to us as soon as possible. You should pay for the trip before 21 July. If we do not receive your money early enough, your booking will be cancelled (取消) . If the trip does not take place for any reason, your money will be paid back. We are planning to meet outside the railway station on Black Street at 8:00 a.m. It will take us about 2 hours to get to the center of the town by train, and from there we have to catch a bus. It will take another hour to get to the Mystery Caves on the bus. We will spend about 1 hour and half visiting the caves (山洞) , and we hope to catch the 1:30 bus to Happy Lake for some swimming. If we are [单选题]遇有自然灾害、恶劣气象条件或者重大交通事故等影响交通安全的情形,采取其他措施难以保证交通安全时,公安机关交通管理部门可以实行( )
A.交通管制 B.交通限行 C.交通管控 D.禁止通行 [多选题]离心泵的基本性能参数有( )。
A.流量 B.扬程 C.功率 D. 效率 [判断题]每晚在得到夜间进场作业令后必须在20分钟内从车辆段内出发。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用吊车装卸物品时,在起吊前必须检查周围场境,主要避开( ),变压器及其他杆线,以免发生触电事故。
A. 电力线 B. 建筑物 C. 作业人员 D. 通信线路 [多项选择]根据《支付结算办法》的规定,下列有关票据金额中文大写的填写中,符合规定的有()。
A. 将“107000.53元”填写为“人民币壹拾万柒仟元零伍角叁分” B. 将“107000.53元”填写为“人民币壹拾万零柒仟元伍角叁分” C. 将“107000.53元”填写为“人民币壹拾万柒仟元伍角叁分” D. 将“107000.53元”填写为“人民币壹零万柒零零零仟元伍角叁分” [单选题]139.《中国南方电网公司电力安全工作规程》Q/CSG510001-2015。用户侧设备检修,需电网侧设备配合停电时,应得到用户停、送电联系人的(),经批准后方可停电。
A.短信通知 B.电话通知 C.书面申请 D.微信通知 [单项选择]《保险代理从业人员资格证书》有效期()年,自颁发之日起计算,有效期届满前30日前申请换发。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [多选题]严肃作业计划管控,健全计划管理组织体系和工作机制,严格执行作业风险公示要求,按照“无计划、不作业”和“()、()”原则。
A.全覆盖 B.无死角 C.无遗留 D.无盲点 [单选题]为保证正常吸油,在滑油吸入管路上,真空度不超过()。
A.0.01Mpa B.0.07Mpa C.0.03Mpa D.0.04MPa [单选题]施工机械进场前必须经过验收,合格后方能使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]光路时通、时断:光纤尾纤沾染灰尘,尾纤断纤。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]井巷工程破岩方法有()、()两种。
[判断题]离心式压缩机是利用高速旋转的叶轮对气体做功。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列行为中,应以合同诈骗罪定罪处罚的有()。
A. 甲以虚构的单位与某公司签订合同,骗取数额较大的财物后潜逃 B. 乙与电脑公司签订代销合同,在收到对方送来的代销电脑后携带电脑潜逃 C. 丙谎称手中有优质投资项目,吸引公众投资,收取巨额投资款后挥霍一空 D. 丁以假房产证作担保,与银行签订借款合同,骗取巨款后购买豪车 [判断题]公安机关传唤违法嫌疑人时,其家属在场的,应当当场将传唤原因和处所口头告知其家属,并在询问笔录中注明。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交