There are at least 8 million unique species of life on the planet, if net far more, and you could be forgiven for believing that all of them can be found in Andasibe. Walking through this rain forest in Madagascar is like stepping into the library of life. Sunlight seeps through the silky fringes of the Ravenea louvelii, an endangered palm (棕榈树) found, like so much else on this African island, nowhere else. Madagascar which separated from India 80 million to 100 million years ago before eventually settling off the southeastern coast of Africa, is in many ways an Earth apart. All that time in geographic isolation made Madagascar a Darwinian playground, its animals and plants evolving into forms utterly original. Some 90% of the island’s plants and about 70% of its animals arc endemic, meaning that th A. Because of its geographic isolation. B. Because its nature is still in original form. C. Because most of its plants are endemic. D. Because most of its animals are endemic. [单选题]用户使用Android系统手机,订购智慧沃家App沃云盘,包月钻石会员资费是:
A.0元 B.10元 C.18元 D.38元 [单选题]列车在冰雹区域运行时,司机要加强瞭望,高速铁路区段列车运行速度为160km/h及以下,普速铁路区段列车运行速度为( )及以下。
A.80km/h B.60km/h C.45km/h D.20km/h [判断题]应急救援抢险人员应根椐事先拟定的抢险方案,在做好个体防护的基础上,以最快的速度排除险情,要严格避免次生和衍生事故的发生。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](2分)单选题
2 下列心血管疾病中,哪种咯血最为常见? A. 动脉导管未闭 B. 室间隔缺损 C. 风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄 D. 高血压病 E. 冠心病 [单选题]填用电力电缆第二种工作票的工作( )许可。
A.可不经调控人员 B.需经调控人员 C.必须变电运维人员 D.必须经运维负责人 [单选题]钢丝绳应定期()。
A.刷漆 B.浸油 C.清洗 D.浸水 [多选题]霉腐微生物特点( )
A.体积小 B.重量轻 C.繁殖快 D.生长旺、分布广 [单选题]仪器年检时,主要技术指标不合格或无法修复的仪器,经( )组织鉴定后可按规定手续申请报废。
A.探伤工区 B.探伤车间 C.工务段 D.集团工务部 我来回答: 提交