Can you change your name just because
you don’t like it And the answer appears to be "yes" in Virginia and "no" in
New York. The Virginia {{U}} (67) {{/U}} involved two women who wanted to
take their maiden names {{U}} (68) {{/U}} even though they were still
married. The lower court in Virginia {{U}} (69) {{/U}} their request for
change of name on the {{U}} (70) {{/U}} that Virginia law, like that of
many states, allowed a married woman to {{U}} (71) {{/U}} her maiden name
only after she was divorced. But the Virginia Supreme Court {{U}} (72)
{{/U}} the lower court saying that there was nothing in the law
{{U}} (73) {{/U}} indicated that a name could only be changed after
{{U}} (74) {{/U}}. The court then pointed out that {{U}} (75)
{{/U}} the common law, a person is free to adopt a new name as {{U}} (76)
{{/U}} as it’s not for a fraud A. Until B. Whether C. When D. If [填空题]杜能的()区位理论又被称为“集约化经营程度理论”。
[单选题]室内消火栓所有箱体内外表面应喷为大 色面漆。( )
A.白色 B.黄色 C.蓝色 D.红色 [单选题]Cable Modem的上行传输速率为( )
A.1Mbps B.2Mbps C.10Mbps D.100Mbps [单项选择]铸铁按照碳存在的形式可以分为:白口铸铁、()和麻口铸铁。
A. 刚铸铁 B. 灰口铸铁 C. 物理铸铁 D. 化学铸铁 [简答题]氧--乙炔火焰粉末喷涂工艺包括哪些内容?
A. 中药活血化瘀治疗 B. 卧床休息 C. 选用广谱抗生素 D. 确定病原体 E. 囊肿剥除 [单项选择]商业银行业务的本源和实质是( )。
A. 负债业务 B. 表外业务 C. 证券发行与承销 D. 资金存贷业务 [判断题]热导检测器的桥电流高,灵敏度也高,因此使用的桥电流越高越好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]友谊的定义与意义;
2.拉帮结派不是真正的友谊; 3.真正的友谊是建立在坚实的基础之上的。 [单项选择]五十年代初,德国豪尼公司首创了()式滤咀接装机。
A. 搓板式 B. 夹钳式 C. 上搓式 D. 下搓式 [单选题]隐蔽工程应留有影像资料,并经监理单位质量验收合格后方可隐蔽;竣工验收时(____)单位应检查隐蔽工程影像资料的完整性,并进行必要的抽检。
A.设计 B.运行 C.施工 D.监理 [填空题]An intelligent person will not allow himself to be
influenced by advertisements. Instead, he will, first of all, try
to get to know about the (1) ______. regulating them. (1) ______
Secondly, he will try to make sane whether he can
believe in advertisements.
Honest advertisements can be extremely useful
because they save a lot of time and (2) ______ by (2) ______
putting sellers in touch with buyers in a quick and
simple way.
The dishonest advertiser hopes to sell his goods
quickly to make a large profit before (3) ______ (3) ______
There are also semi-dishonest advertisers who
make (4) ______ for their products which they (4) ______
know perfectly well to be incapable of (5) ______ (5) ______
With no advertising, (6) ______ would be (6) ______
sold, so the cost of each article would be higher. Th
A.10kV B.10kV及以上 C.110kV及以上 D.6kV及以上 [单选题]党支部委员会由( )选举产生,党支部书记、副书记一般由党支部委员会会议选举产生。
A.党支部委员会 B.党员大会 C.指战员大会 D.民主集中会 [单选题]下列对于鼻腔异物不正确的做法是( )
A.让幼儿将无异物的鼻孔按住,然后用力擤鼻涕 B.用羽毛、纸等刺激幼儿鼻粘膜,引起喷嚏反射 C.送医院处理 D.用小镊子夹出来 [判断题]操作机械传动的断路器(开关)或隔离开关(刀闸)时,应戴线手套。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
单相式电压互感器和三相式电压互感器是按照(____)分类。 A. 安装地点 B. 相数 C. 绝缘方式 D. 工作原理 [单选题]核放射探测仪最大误差为( )(难)
A. ±15% B. ±10% C. ±5% D. ±1% [多项选择]下列关于我国商业银行交易账户划分的政策和程序的说法,正确的有( )。
A. 交易账户的适用范围应包括银行的所有表内外头寸 B. 商业银行应根据自身的交易业务性质和复杂程度,相应地明确本行交易账户包括的金融工具 C. 纳入交易账户的头寸要有明确的、经高级管理层批准的交易策略 D. 向客户提供结构性投资和理财产品且进行了完全对冲的衍生产品应列入交易账户 E. 一般而言,在交易之后,银行应立即明确该笔交易应归于银行账户还是交易账户 [简答题]中央《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》规定,提任县处级以上领导职务,由副职提任正职的,应当在副职岗位工作( )以上。
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