{{B}}Happiness and Sadness{{/B}} Happiness and sadness are two most basic and familiar feeling for human beings. Recently, people have achieved further understanding about them. {{B}}Happiness{{/B}} University of Illinois, psychologist Ed Diener, who has studied happiness for a quarter century, was in Scotland recently, explaining to members of Parliament and business leaders the value of increasing traditional measures of a country’s wealth with a national index of happiness. Such an index would measure policies known to increase people’s sense of well-being, such as democratic freedoms, access to health care and the rule of law. Eric Wilson tried to get with the program. Urged on by friends, he bought books on how to become happier. He made every effort to smooth out A. The standard of morality. B. The freedom of speech. C. The sense of well-being. D. The access to health care. [单选题]提高操作者的技术素质和工作责任心,可以避免( )误差。
A.操作 B.装夹 C.工艺系统 D.测量 [判断题]会计人员在调动工作或者离职时,在特殊情况下,经过单位负责人、总会计师同意,会计人员可以不办理交接手续。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]加强人民当家作主制度保障。人民代表大会制度
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Deamweaver中,网页的标题在预览显示在页面的()
A. 工具栏 B. 标题栏 C. 菜单栏 D. 状态栏 [单选题]冯特和铁钦纳是( )学派的创始人。
A.格式塔心理 B.构造心理 C.机能主义心理 D.行为主义 [单项选择]执行以下程序后,test.txt文件的内容是【 】。(若文件能正常打开)
A. Basican B. BasicFortran C. Basic D. FortranBasic [单选题]下列软件中,不属于应用软件的是()。
A.文字处理软件 B.电子表格软件 C.简报软件 D.高级语言编译程序 [单项选择]经过当场盘问、检查,有下列()情形的,可以将其带至公安机关继续盘问
A. 被指认有犯罪行为的 B. 有作案嫌疑的 C. 犯罪后企图自杀、逃跑或者在逃的 D. 有毁灭、伪造证据或者串供可能的 [多选题]11.曲线轨距及加宽,说法正确的是( )。(应知应会-《技规》-第42条)
A.曲线半径r≥295,加宽值0mm B.曲线半径295>r≥245,加宽值5mm C.曲线半径245>r≥195,加宽值10mm D.曲线半径r<195,加宽值15mm;曲线轨距加宽值不符合上述规定时,应有计划地进行改造 [单项选择]
As protector of her family’s health, the poineer woman confronted situations she never imagined before crossing the Mississippi. Few women came West prepared to deal with desert sunburn, rattlesnake bites, or arrow wounds. Even when doctors were available, they were of- ten no more knowledgeable than their patients. And most patent (专利) medicines were no more reliable than the itinerant (巡游) merchants who sold them. [填空题]为确保依法公正行使审判权和检察权,我国将推动()地方法院、检察院人财物统一管理。
[简答题]BB02 简述仪表春秋检主要工作流程?
[单选题]【单选题】流体在管道内的流动阻力分为( )两种
A.流量孔板阻力、水力阻力 B.沿程阻力、局部阻力 C.摩擦阻力、弯头阻力 D.阀门阻力、三通阻力 [填空题]{{B}}第二节 短文理解 1{{/B}} 阅读下面短文,从[A] (Right)、[B] (Wrong)、[C] (Doesn’ t Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。