Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
November 7,2000 is a very special day in the United States. Voters all across the nation are (21) representatives in local and national races. Some people think that they’re voting for the president of our country too. They’re not! Again, they’re voting for (22) . These representatives are called electors. They are part of a system called the Electoral College. In most states the electors are chosen on a winner take all basis. That makes it (23) for one candidate to win (24) electors while getting less popular votes nationally than his (25) . The A. least B. a few C. little D. the most [单选题]中队(站)值班员在发出熄灯信号前( )分钟,发出准备就寝信号,督促全体人员做好就寝准备。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [多选题]以下风险种类属于设备安全风险范畴的是?
A.设备烧损、设备疲劳损坏 B.设备性能下降 C.客户投诉 D.设备报废、设备停运 [多选题]WGT-3 试块上Φ3×65横通孔是用于测定钢轨探伤仪( )通道的灵敏度余量 。
A.0°探头 B.37°探头 C.45°探头 D.70°探头 E. 直探头 [单选题]铁路线路分类中,牵出线属于( )。
A.站线 B.特别用途线 C.岔线 D.段管线 [判断题]与圆筒形储气罐相比,球形储气罐受力性能好,省钢材,在世界各国应用广泛。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]负债业务的主要风险包括( )。
A.市场风险 B.操作风险 C.信息科技风险 D.法律风险 E.流动性风险 [判断题]当钢管扣件式梁模板支架立杆采用单根立杆时,立杆应设在梁模板中心线处,其偏心距不应大于25mm。(地方题库)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]硬母线切割后断口应进行倒角,毛刺应进行平整处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“塞外草原”单元由《美丽的草原我的家》《赛马》《牧歌》《嘎达梅林》4首作品组成,其教学内容是( )。
A.同类人文题材 B.同类音乐体裁 C.相同音乐要素 D.同类表现形式 [判断题]额定工作压力不大于1.3 MPa的消防泵称为低压泵。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交
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