On Oct. 12, 1989, some Chinese
scientists were working at the computers to look for the information they
needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots crossing the computer’s
screens. At the same moment the computers were working much slower. To find out
what was happening, they stopped their work to check some parts of the
computers. To their horror, they found out that most of their stored information
was got rid of by computer viruses (病毒). Obviously all these computers had been
infected (传染) by computer viruses. It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men fond of playing tricks. They all have excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence. This kind of computer viruses is named Jerusalem (耶路撒冷) Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When th A. Scientists have found a way to get rid of the viruses. B. The Jerusalem Viruses are a great harm to human’s health. C. The viruses will come to a new computer after staying in the old one for some time. D. Last year four countries found their computers were infected by viruses. [单选题]正常工作条件下,风电机组输出的最高净电功率称为( )。
A.额定功率; B.最大功率; C.极端功率; D.平均功率 [单项选择]下列结构中,除哪哪一种结构外均有硬脑膜( )
A. 大脑镰 B. 三脑室 C. 鞍隔 D. 小脑幕 E. 三叉神经半月节腔 [单项选择]
女,42岁,乏力,食欲不振、恶心、右上腹隐痛1周,加重伴尿黄2天。3个月前子宫肌瘤行子宫切除术,术中有输血史。体检:皮肤及巩膜轻度黄染,肝于右肋缘下1.5cm,质软,有触痛,脾未触及。TB48μmol/L,CBl6μmol/L,丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)>400单位,天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶-(AST)120单位,碱性磷酸酶(ALP)90单位,γ-氨酰转肽酶(γ-GT)39单位,尿胆红素及尿胆原均阳性。 最可能的诊断是()A. 药物中毒性肝炎 B. 急性病毒性肝炎 C. 胆汁淤积性肝炎 D. 感染中毒性肝炎 E. 肝硬化 [单选题]证券交易价格与市场利率呈( )关系。
A.正相关 B.负相关 C.正比 D.反比 [单项选择]下列()不属于自然失业率产生的原因。
A. 人们不满意现有的工作辞职去寻找更理想的工作所造成的失业 B. 经济中由于产业结构变化而引起的失业 C. 由于技术进步所引起的失业 D. 由于经济衰退造成的失业 [多选题]作业人员在接触运行中的金属计量箱前,( ),方可接触。
A.应检查接地装置是否良好 B.用验电笔确认其确无电压 C.应做好相应的安全措施 D.应做好相应的安全技术措施 我来回答: 提交