深圳华富进出口公司(440393xxxx,该企业1年内有3次以上违反海关监管规定行为)从境外购进一批黄铜,料件进口前,该企业已向海关办妥加工贸易合同登记备案手续。料件进口后委托广东佛山佳盛电子厂(440636xxxx,加工贸易B类管理企业)加工生产出口芯片。该加工合同履行期间,部分原料未能及时到货,为确保履行成品出口合同,华富公司报经主管海关核准,从我国国内市场购买的国产料件进行串换。合同执行完毕,尚有剩余料件。 根据上述案例,解答下列问题。 |
In the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are old enough, they take part (51) . Foreigners are often surprised by the permissiveness of American parents. The old rule that "children should be seen and not heard" is rarely (52) , and children are often allowed to do what they wish without strict parental (53) . The father seldom expects his children to obey him (54) question, and children are encouraged to be independent (55) an early age. Some people believe that American parents carry this freedom (56) far. Others think that a strong father image would not (57) the American values of equality and independence. Because Americans emphasize the importance of independence, young people are expected to break (58) their parental families by the time they have (59)
A. up
B. into
C. through
D. away from
M: Waitress!
W: Yes, sir.
M: I have been here for 10 minutes now.
W: I’m sorry. What can I do for you
M: How much longer are we going to wait for our dinner
W: Sorry, sir. As you know, the duck takes quite a while to prepare. I’ll go to see about your order. Would you like something to drink while you are waiting
M: All right. Two beers, please.
Standard & Poor’s maintains a
cautious stance on cable-TV operators in the wake of Verizon’s (VZ) announcement
in early May of aggressive price cuts for its digital subscriber line (DSL)
Internet-access service. Our overall outlook for the S & P Cable &
Broadcasting index, which also includes shares of over-the-air TV and radio
broadcasters, is neutral to modestly positive. Cable operators have so far
ruled out an overt price war on broadband services. However, expect to see
near-term responses like increased bundling of services, extended free months,
more aggressive marketing and promotions, even modest price cuts from cable
outfits that offer multiple services such as broadband as they defend their
high- growth Internet-access Business. Continued rapid growth in digital cable and high-speed data services helped support the industr A. higher levels of geopolitical anxieties B. prospects of intensive competition C. war’s impact on advertising demand D. vigorous rates of high-speed data sign-ups [多选题]营业人员不准接受他人馈赠的( )等物品,以防不测。
A.药物 B.香烟 C.食品 D.饮料 [判断题]清理就是把需要的东西以适当的方式放在该放的地方以便于使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]暂态录波型故障指示器检测项目及检测要求中,电气性能试验 ,负荷电流误差应符合以下要求( )
A.0≤I<300时,测量误差为±3A B.0≤I<300时,测量误差为±1% C.300≤I<600时,测量误差为±1% D.300≤I<600时,测量误差为±3A [单项选择]输血相关性急性肺损伤表现是()。
A. 咳嗽、咯白色泡沫样痰 B. 咳嗽、咯粉红色泡沫样痰 C. 咳嗽、咯非泡沫稀血水样痰 D. 呛咳、咯血 E. 干咳、无痰 [多选题]无纸化业务以()为载体。
A.印章电子化 B.字电子化 C.业务免填单 [单选题]行政法规是由国务院制定的( ),颁布后在全国范围内施行。
A. 法律 B. 法规 C. 规章 D. 法律规范性文件 [单项选择]CA6140型车床车削()的传动路线最短。
A. 蜗杆 B. 大螺距 C. 精密螺纹 D. 小螺距 我来回答: 提交